The Power of Healing Cabbage Soup Recipe (2024)

A nutritional powerhouse – the effects of this healing cabbage soup recipe can be felt almost immediately.

Healing Cabbage Soup is one of my oldest recipes. I started making back it back in college when my immune system always seemed to feel run down. Over two decades later, making a frequent appearance during the long and scary days of the pandemic, it is still what I turn to when I am under the weather or just feeling sluggish.

Cabbage Soup for the Soul

In times of uncertainty and stress, there’s something deeply comforting about a warm bowl of soup. And when it comes to nurturing both body and soul, few dishes can compare to the simplicity and nourishment of healing cabbage soup. Packed with wholesome ingredients and bursting with flavor, this humble yet powerful soup has earned its name rightfully so… as Healing Cabbage Soup.

The Healing Properties of Cabbage

Cabbage is often hailed as a nutritional powerhouse, and for good reason. Rich in vitamins C and K, as well as fiber and antioxidants, cabbage offers a wide array of health benefits. From boosting immune function to promoting digestive health and even potentially reducing inflammation, this cruciferous vegetable is a true superfood.

But perhaps most notably, cabbage is known for its potential healing properties. In traditional folk medicine, cabbage has been used for centuries to treat various ailments, including digestive issues, ulcers, and even arthritis. Its high vitamin C content is thought to support collagen production and tissue repair, making it an excellent choice for those looking to promote overall wellness and healing.

The Magic of Healing Cabbage Soup

Healing cabbage soup harnesses the nutritional power of cabbage and combines it with other wholesome ingredients to create a nourishing and comforting meal. While recipes may vary, the basic components typically include cabbage, onions, carrots, celery, broth, and herbs and spices.

With just a handful of ingredients, it’s easy to prepare and requires minimal effort. Yet the resulting dish is nothing short of magical—a hearty and flavorful soup that’s as soothing to the soul as it is nourishing to the body. The results can be felt almost immediately.

Make it your own

Not only does healing cabbage soup provide a hearty dose of vitamins and minerals, but it’s also incredibly versatile. I encourage you to customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences or dietary needs. Add in extra veggies, swap out the broth for a different flavor, or experiment with different herbs and spices. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to create a soup that’s truly your own.

Pro Tips

  • Use a good quality stock, preferably a homemade or high quality bone broth.
  • This soup freezes exceptionally well so you can always have some on hand for those days you wake up feeling low.

My wish for you

My hope is to inspire even just one person to make this soup (or another vitamin packed meal) to help boost your immune system as we continue to navigate our way through this new, challenging, virus filled world. I wish wellness to all, and very speedy recoveries.

The Power of Healing Cabbage Soup Recipe (3)

Healing Cabbage Soup

With just a handful of heart healthy, immune boosting ingredients, Healing Cabbage Soup is easy to prepare and requires minimal effort. Yet the result is nothing short of magical—a hearty and flavorful soup that's as soothing to the soul as it is nourishing to the body. The results can be felt almost immediately.

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Course dinner, lunch

Cuisine International

Servings 4 people


  • 1 cup (about one small onion)- 1/2 inch dice
  • 2 cups (about 2 -3 carrots)- peeled and 1/2 inch diced
  • 2 cups (about 3 large celery stalks)- thin sliced- about 1/4 inch
  • 3 tsp minced or sliced garlic – (more or less to taste. I like garlic.)
  • 8 cups (about 1/2 head of savoy cabbage)- large chop (about 1.5 inch cubes)
  • 1 cup Diced zucchini (about 1/2 inch) or any other mix of fresh vegetables you have on hand. (about one average sized zucchini)
  • 1 14oz can petite diced tomatoes
  • 4 cups good quality chicken stock (bone broth if possible) (preferably homemade – it is so much healthier!)
  • 2-3 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1 tbs fresh rosemary- minced
  • 1/4 cup parsley leaves- rough chop
  • Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, red peper chili flakes


  • In a med-large stock pot, sauté chopped onion in 3 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add in the celery and carrots. Sauté for about 7-10 minutes, or until soft. Season with one teaspoon kosher salt, a few grinds of fresh pepper, and a 1/2 tsp red pepper chili flakes. Stir in garlic, whole sprigs of thyme and rosemary and sauté for another minute or two.

  • Add in chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add in cabbage and tomatoes and simmer for about ten minues. Taste for seasoning and adjust. I usually find it needs a dash more salt.

  • Add in diced zucchini and continue to simmer until just cooked through. Right before serving, stir in parsley.

Keyword gluten free, healthy, keto, paleo, soup, vegetarian

The Power of Healing Cabbage Soup Recipe (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.