THE WEEKLY SAMPLER, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1987 7 rrr "1 ElMtiippi HYDRA Sport. 1984. Bm BUICK Centurion 1971 2 door hardtop, new battery, tires, Huber Orchard Winery FORD, 1979 LTD, rpassenoeT wogon, air, cruise control, am-fm stereo, well maintained, $1795. 451-0247 after 5:30 daily, anytime weekends inen iQ7a i rn ir uvnii, rumaioes, P0T8- toes, squash, sweet potatoes, beans ft cider, cheese ft wine. open DAILY I a.m.
6 p.m. 923-9813 923-WINE CERAMIC MOLDS, originally purchased at $25,000 plus. Most under 2 yrs. old. Over 1000 molds.
Ail holidays, ducks, stuffed molds, anlmels, mushrooms ft more. Purchase on ror SJDW or sow separately, 50t up. 239-3399 or 968-4647 CERAMIC Molds. Used. Good cono.i t-rom popular compa nies.
KeasonaDie. 245-4720 WELDER. Lincoln arr. 200 amps, 40 volts, 60 Duty Cycle, mounted on 2 wheel Trailer, liwu. Mn-41-5830.
BACKHOE, 1973 CasTTeOBT dehoe $13,500 as Is. 1W CFM wniin Air compressor, S2V5U. HUNT TRACTOR 1000 Market 584-9753 TRACTOR 977L, 9551 SL, 8)5. 6lf link bell 34U0, 60X1 Ml weaoe fnnl rn nr. 4x4a weage root roller.
Cell ou-jftj-r4 oays. ueaier 6ARDEN Tractors Used form new t-awn sweepers, sis. reriinzer dpreaaert from $29.95. HUNT TRACTOR Farm ft Power Division low b. Marttet 584-9753 AWN MOWER RIDING, bin rmnii fr.nA Inch cu $321 Call HP, 36 IQ mower.
7 HP. electric itrf. I una Bopq, 3. W-J04, TRACTOR, Gravely Mower useq equipment, win sell sepa rate. H-vtr or rce-1615 HOSPITAL Beds.
(2). 1-man- uel, extra firm T-fully electric, $800. 937-2776 Both Excellent Cond LAcoiil t.J 2reo, gooo conotiion. $50. ell 241- Clarinet, wood, seimef llsnel, 1 yr.
old wcase. $295. ton m3-t aner jpm electric, yr. Ampeg amp, 151 speaxer, 33u ootn. ORGAN, SPINET PERFECT COND $375.
Call 145-2930 ORGAN. Thomas Playmate. console, lighted keyboard, PIANO, Henry F. Miliar et, mahogany wbench. Excel iwm conq.
soou. uan 63-16 TROMBONE, 1 King, ITT Call 241-5830 EUROTAN Tanning Bed USED ONLY 1 YR. Cost $4500 new, will sell for $1500. 502-695-4200695-4081. GENERATOR, (lo use whei electricity goes off) 4nni watts.
Selling $450. Never used. 245-7911. HERBALIFE, Independent utsiriouior-iaii me tor prod- ucis-nnicneiie. xr-44l-ByQ5 WHEELCHAIR hrilY? many extras, excellent $300.
From 9-5 p.m., 246-61651 mi? OLD Louisville. Corner of SI. JamesBelgravie CI. 1 BR, completely equipped kitchen. air, voiiv.
an urns. intlUOeO. $295 mo. Mr. Miller, 634-3500, OLD Louisville.
1 BR eoarl- ments, utlls. no pets or cnnoren, reverences, $s-imVM deposit. SB7-O280, PORTLAND Area, room flciency, stove, refrigerator, water furnished, $125 oe- posn, can rJ-JJUJ. PBESTONIndlan Trail 2 BR Townhouse. Fully carpeted, fully equipped kitchen with washerdryer hook-ups.
No pets. $279mo. up. ISO deposit. BRIDGEWOOD TOWN HOMES Call between 9-5 969-2195 ROCKFORO Ln, 2800.
I heatair paid, except personal electric, no pets, $24Smo. Call Raymond Bailer at 447-0146. SOUTH END, 1 BR, private entrance, 1st floor, mini blinds, fresh paint, heat paid, pool, close to Freeway, $265. Cal SOUTH Central. Remodeled 2 BR, mature adults, 1220mo.
Call alter 6PM, 895-6266. SOUTHERN 3911. Spa-clous newly remodeled 2 BR Apartment, fully equipped kitchen, all utlls paid. 2 blocks South of Watterson. 775-6050 after 4pm VALLEY Station, near Svnder Freeway, 1 Br, water furnished.
S200mo, 933-2669 VALLEY Station, 5 BR, (24(1. Country living, utlls. paid. 937-9735606--7920 Collect, WESTPORT Rd.Murphy Ln. Westport Woods Apts.
New 2 BR1 Bath Fully Carpeted Drapes and Washer Dryer Included $325 Call 423-1794 AUDUBON Area, 2 BR, newly decorated, pool, carpel, heal furnished, Call 635-2591, CHEROKEE. 1400 Willow, luxury 1253 sq. ft. Children, dogs. Move today, call for long list amenities.
$900. 451-1638 CRINSTEAO 2314, UnR 3, 2 BRs, 1 both, hook-ups. S325mo. 637-4733454-3094 SOUTH END. mobile home, carpet, air, adults only, $225 ft $215 month.
Call 447-1628. APPLE VALLEY: Rent with option to buv. BK 2 bath. rancn wflreptace ft vau celling. $475 mo.
rent refund rowaro purchase. ZJ9-4O60 BRECKINRIDGE I 2821 bain, living, dining, kitchen, large family IT. car garage. Large lot. S600 per mo.
1 yr. lease, 425-8448 BULLITT Co. $37. 4 BR. central air, water paid 1150.
deposit no Pets 1-543-4202 uhejden 624. 4 rms, UtllS A bath. 17S0 mn POSit. Adults onlv. No rhllrjran or pets, J6-450 GREENVliXl.
IN. 3 Bl Inground pool, 1450mo. deposit. 923-8719 after 6PM. HIKES 2 BR, bsmt, ga-roge, lvt bath.
1495 ft deposit, 491-0956, ask (or Charley. HOUNILn. area, 600 sq.ft., 3 ok, wasner 5. orver, refriger ator, stove, fenced yard, 2 full baths, shaded lot. low utilities, ranch.
Ivlno rm. dinlna rm family rm wflreplace, eat-In Rircnen, parns, car garage. mmi, wv per monrn, oeposi references, cat! Z2B-45I4 SOUTH End. 1 BR duplex nouse, sou, urns tnciuoeg, ge-posit. Call 361-0038 or 447-7891 SUN Valley.
3 BR. bsmt laroe i kitchen separate din Ing rm, large living rm. excel tent cono, S4uu mo. y45-834j. WATTERSON Trail, huoe BR home on acreage, fresh paint, new carpet, part utlls paig, -f oeposit 4w-1 iu PRESTON 2000300(5 sq.n.
rerin space neeoed. Call 491-5457 days. BARDSTOWN dq. office warehouse, up to 6,000 sq. ft.
491-6900 BROWNSBORO Rd area. 1100 sq. ft. C-1 Zoning. Plenty of parking.
S3 somo. 895-3464 BUECHFL. 3930 Bardslown ko. into Industrial, 3200 sq. 2 overhead doors, office 6.
3 phase electric. Call Bill Els- corn 4t-jjy LOWER Hunters Plaia- Dixie Area, high traffic, S300 S350 mo. Latl 44-J4VS OLD ShepherdsvllleRobbs Ln. NEW LISTING 5000 sa. ft.
bldo. Presently discount store. High traffic area. Good visibility. Plenty of parking.
Available NOW! $1000 Per mo. 499-8134 964-5956 1000 ACRESTSrecklnridoe (To Joining Yellow Bank Game Reserve. For lease yearly or kng term to Hunting Club or inaiviouat for hunting pur poses. Herdlnsburg, 1-756-5874. 400 sq ft, J350.
600 sq ft 1525' Inclurtat utlls lanltorlal. Lamping Real Estate. 283-07, '54 DOWNTOWN, environmental ty controlled office soece, sq.ft., parking, utlll ties, cleaning, guard service, t6sq.ft. 589-1819. DUPONT Area.
Penthouse wirn a view! judo sq. ft. Spacious, private. Convenient location. Will redesign to til your neeas.
895-5487 JEFFERSONVILLE Downtown 346-348 SPRING STRFFT 5 minutes from HEART OF luuisville. Attractive Storv BUSINF51S or COM MERCIAL complex, on off street parking 7200 Sq. Ft. 1690 Mo. LEASE WOPTION TO put.
or 256-5428 ST. MATTHEWS Area, proximately 1600 so.ft. 895-5155 or 585-3141. Real Estate for Sale 6S0 689 1031 TAX FREE EXCHANGE sexi.ww, immediate, call R. Cote.
1-100-848-8894 or 1-619-563-8800 37 ACRES-Hlstorlc log home featured on tour last fall. 4 BR, Jva baths, fireplace In 27' living rn. mucn more, eu mnes West of Louisville. Transferred owners. Need offer! Call 812-866-3358 MARKET J739 W.
3 By Owner 774-3637 BARBOIID JUannr- I OlM tOO'. 4105 Brenller: BY OWNER GREAT AREAI 423-1495 Agents Welcome BROWNSBORO Hgy. 22 (Creekside Subdivision) SALE BY OWNER Lsrge 4 BR trl-level, 2' Oaths, spacious family rm. Paneling, built-in bookcase, brick fireplace wgas starter, walk out to patio. Seperate living dining, 2 car garage eutomatlc openers, central air, oas heat, approx.
2100 sq.ft. Taylor, Kammerer 1 Ballard Schools. Asking $83,500. Call 95-5322 or 423-8473. 5 In 1 oak BROWNSBORO RdArei NEW LISTING The Charm RIEDL0KN OPEN SUN.
2-S fwlW luxurv In an loom" uS floors wuw.mj,, fnjiQ rnany oth-Sf K'-JdS! condition, vninn I uiqiui ku). kustic on 11 acres up w-ii wTountain, ok including master suite. 3 OBins. 2 ffranlaro mm.m. cent views.
By Owner 220-1620 OPEN SUN. 2-5 Hills, 4 BR ranch, h.S?.,h'-J Tr "re, finished ownerRealtor en-x, ail 345-1832 4012 Chenoweth Run Rd. Secluded country estate i irceo iu acres. Custom built home, 4 BR, 2' i rope, oarn, urcnaro, morel Only mln. from town p.w ment only.
By owner. OLDHAM Co. new 4 BR's. iVt builder. Goshen Elem.
School district. 1134,500. 228-4327 61.6HAM Co. New home" fall 222-7559" ocriBu r-ark-Rock Creek, w'slttlng rm, sunroom facing Inground pool, 1st floor exrensive tanoscap-ng. By ownerestate.
$147,000, -iwi or IJ28. WHIPPS Mill Rd Area, 1 BR brick, 2 baths, finished new carpet 8, wallpaper, solid punier, car ga-rage fence, S70.0O0. 423-1859 urge vara, assumabie toen, BY OWNER 933-1864 BAYMEADOWTSoT ST. ANDREW'S PARK 3 BR, 2ii bath bl-level, 2Vt car nsnmy rm. WTin place, many extras.
937-38li LOCUST WAY, 2 BRs, fireplace, garage, large lot. S4OO0 down or No credit oy owner, yoonM. OPEN SUN. 2-5 MICHAEL RAY 8402, r-nonoiy nms AUDOIVISIOn. BR brlc ranch, li baths, car garage, fenced yard.
Carl Settler 969-0338 MILWAUKEE Wv tnona Attention Veterans! Assumable VA 9 loan, must sell, make oner. PY owner. yj-BBB8. GEORGETOWN -By ownerTS ii lontn, verv nrrie out-Side maintenance, 16 vr, old, acre corner lot, many trees I shrubs, partly finished large 2 car attached garage wdoor opener, large driveway, 1 full oath-ceramic tile, bath in master BR, celling 1 attic fans, central air, low utlls. Security alarm system: fire and break In.
Access to fishing lake. On sewer system. Private redwood fenced pano ttower garden. Thermi sliding doors from kitchen din ing room to patio, outside floodlights Ml around house, large dining area wbrlck fireplace. 15 mins.
to 4th Broadway in Louisville, Va mile from Georgetown exit 118 off 1-64. $67,000. 923-3778 after 4pm NEW ALBANY1: Well kept 3 BR home. Just minutes from Snerman Minion Bridge. 2 car garage, park like setting.
Anna meters: 945-8336 Jerry Hall: 282-0688 Marquis Realty: 948-1101 new Albany, 3 BR, new paint, large rms, near schools shopping. $31,500. Call days 3c-treao; nigntsy48-942q. BULLITT County. NEW LISTING Hwv.
61, I ml. of Lebanon Junction. 5 room vinyl tided house on 4 acre landscaped lot wfrult ft nut trees, central air, oak cabinets, 2 car' garage. 3 outbuild ings oarn. Aaamonai 6 acres can be included or sold In lots.
Call 502-833-4871 BULLITT Large 4 BR brick ranch, 2 bath, rec. basem*nt, acreage. $94,000. Call 955-7627 or 955-7538. MARION County, 3 BR brick, full city water, all electric, will rent.
Price? 239-0595. FLOYD County, Indiana, 2 lots on Alice all utilities, By owner. Call 368-1612, 5-9PM, GRAYSON CO. 23 Acres: Near Nolin River. All woods.
$10,500. (502) 839-5085 evenings County-3 acres overed Bridge Rd. Hillside lot wbeautlful view, in good neighborhood, easy access lo 1-71. $29,900. 423-9458 I'm a young Investor, looking for houses lo buy, to fix and sell, or to use as rentals.
Call Ca'v at 447-4578, not an agent. DOE Valley Resort Lots, golf course, pool, lake, tennis courts, will finance, low down, no qualifying, call: Joel 1-800-544-1434. FLORIDA Central Lakefront property, 5 lots with double wide trailer, 3 BR. ft 2 full baths. Central air, satellite dish.
969-43721-904-245-9037 FRENCH LICK SPRINGS Villa Time Share Available week of Oct. 17-24. 1987 Maintenance fee paid. $10,200. 1502) 684-87)9 FRENCH Lick Springs- Bulld-Ino 11.
Villa 52. week 43. per fect for fall color seeson, and a vacation yet this year. $8500 negotiable. 228-5415 TENNESSEE Spectacular Mountaintop acres mountaintop restricted homesite, w50 mil 2 way view, overlooking TVA Lake Cherokee.
Larue or i vat lake extensive trailrldlng facility under construction on adloin-ing 1000 acr tract. Located at Clinch Mountain Overlook on Hwgv 25E at Thorn Hill, TIM. Call 615-767-3100 for photos. ROUGH River Trailer, furnished, 3 BR, glass porch, boat dock, shaded kit. 502-756-5227.
Mobile Living 690 699 BUDDY 1972, 65x12, 2 J.4... Ilwlnn kitchen, shed. Located In Nice Trailer Lot $5,000 Call 955-6977 COMMA DORE, 1986, 14x70 lop of the line, 2 BRs, vaulted ceiling, bay window, EXCELLENT COND. $14,500. Call 948-1257.
LIBERTY 12x60, clean ft In fine shape, has deck, located Henry Co. $4500. 366-7979 MEMORY 1977, 2 or 3 BR, lollal electric, central air, $6500. Call J66-4WI MOBILE Home, 12x60, In Sel- lersburg area, t-or rent or saie. BK on t'j acre tot, zas-jeae.
SCHUL2, 1979 14x70, 3 BR Vl baths. Must sell. Owner wants offer, 812-923-9098 after 4pm SKYLINE 1980. 14x70ft. 3 BR, bath, new 3 ton central air, new dishwasher, 10x20 sun-porch, fenced.
Extras. $13,500. Can assume. 363-5968 Merchandise 700 for SaleRent 799 3 BEDROOM SUITE. Victorian.
Mahogonv, double bed craved headboard, marble top dresser Armolre both beveled glass mirror. $2500. Call 222-9243. CAROUSEL Horse, Jumper, Allen Herschell, circa 1920. IWV.
call 456-403 CHAIRS 6 old kitchen chairs, buffet, old oak desk. Call 426-3047. DINING ktm Suite, Beautiful i PS. widen Wlldwood Cherry Mint cond! $3400. 458-4)04 GLASSti drinking, stamp col-ktctlon, Avon collection, eld books.
Call 502-862-4639 (3) OLDER MARKINGS Surprise; ft Goat Herder (502) 935-1690 tTAJVip" COLLECTION, Postal Communltlve Society (1st day Issues, all issues, 8 yr. collections Write: H. Zeskey. P. O.
Box 157, Worthvllle, KY. 41098 STOVE Magic Chet, 4 burner 634037S4' warmr- Cell TAPE, Opera video on BETA, Wagners complete Ring cycle, Bevreuth Centennial Production, collector's Item, $225. Slit Conds. U.OOOWu, esxmg sie; suog '10 volt, good cond. $65.
ITU, 7W- loyfl. Fireplace equipment, wood stoves, gas heaters, Inserts, Jdd-ons, gas logs. Savings to 50 off. Lavaway until Oct. IS.
ft HARDWARE 54 16 PRESTON HGWY. COOLERS, upright. Floor model Beer Cooler. Meat Showcase. Sandwich warmer.
Best offer fall atlar 4 nm 425-6709 FREEZER, chesl type, 15 6 yrs old, perfect tw. wwm or RANGE, G.E.. KflH-rlnnnlna oven, 4 years old, $225, Refrigerator. Sears, frost free, la cu.ft., $13S, table, 4 choirs, $65 All Excellent Cond Movlnol Must selll 964-7595 RANGE, gas, white, good $40 cash Jeffersonlown area. Call 267-9341 RANGE Electric Sears ken-more, continuous clean, excellent cond, white.
$250, 896-2708 RANGE, GE electric, 5 years old, good $150. IBM 46J-6VI3. erklbERATUH Frutar. side by side, frost free, 19 cu-blc white, $400, 361-4753 REFRIGERATOR 18 cubic b. Frlgldalre, $400.
935-1927 WASHER ft electric runs goon, looks go demonstrate thru all cycles. $100 each. 955-7888 WASHER ft dryer, ilSOboth. 368-9981; 361-8178 WASHER, Sears Kenmore, harvest gold, like new $90. Call 228-5912.
WASHER Maytag, 11 yrs perfect cond never had ser vice con, SI50, ey-svH yvAjMKK uryck, Sears Kenmore, heavy duty, good si tor ootn. 244-0551. WASHER andor Dryer, eacn. irooo guaranteed. each.
Good cond, will deli' 945-9029 CABINETS, kitchen ft bath-room; 40 offl Pre-hung doors ft PLYWOOD 945-1194 CHAIN Link fence, Includes sale and posts. $100. 451-6343 PIPE- steel pipe, I Inch Inside diameter to excellent columns or drainage. $3.00 per tool. Xn-384-Z360 PROPANE Tank, 500 for gas or will fabricate tor water.
$300. 502-384-2360 13 WEDDING Dress ft slip, white, size cleaned, orl 7-8, empire waist, cleaned, originally $600. Asking $200. Call 935- 455: ''III EMERALD, loose stone3 for $9,50. 425-028S.
Must Selll RING, ladles diamond, over I carats, reduced, $8500. BUSCHEMSYER'5 587-7S42 SfD-klng size, 4 poster rice, mahogany. S900: mahnaanw wmmgpn, sias ea. uatl 893-3150, after 4 om BED Frames I for twin size. WHITE WOOD $30 BED King size 4 poster.
ne box springs ft mattress, 1 old, $350. 968-9078 BOX Springs: 1 new twin size $25; 1 slightly used twin size pox spring, $is. Z4I-5BJO. CARPET, oriental style, wool. "it.
rvmuw in rrance, excel" lent $450. Call 425-7799. china corner cabinet 38" 7' $40. 361-7063 COUCH 86 tLbCTRIC STOVE FRIGIDAIRE, $200; 366-47M COUCH, loveseat ft chair. EARLY AMERICANI Maple tables, 2 lamps.
All in excellent $300. 36 1 -49 10. COUCH, 2 rollawav beds. Hollywood bed frame, uphol- siereo cnairs. J68-537 COUCH, green Naugahyde, rear.
rree. ian ajz-joaz COUCH 8, Chair, flowered needs cleaning. Good condi non. sou. aii ejr-joe; OSUCH, 4 piece sectional pit, dark brown, $100.
Call 589- 4056, y-5, ask tor Hick. COUCH ft Chair, Early Amer-Ican Style, Excellent Condition, $200. Call 245-0618. DINING Rm Suite. 6-alera urge ngnieo china caotnet Excellent Cond.
$800. 244-6594; 966-9042 DINING Room, large solid Lnerry, uuncan rnyre taoig, leaf, expensive pads, 5 uphoi: srereo cnairs. S4MJ. VJJ-I440. FURNITURE: Bed, brass Plel- jn Ol cane bottom chelr.
368-6387 LIVING ROOM SET. 7 place. 3u or uwsi oner, Kerrigerator, $50; bar $10; ping pong table, $10. Call 937-2268. LIVING Room Suite.
Couch, tables, loveseat ft lamps. yrs. old. Excellent cond. $700 firm 423-8776 6-9pm MATTRESSBOX SEts $39 iKtiitR5CHEST5 $49 ABLECHAIR SETS $49 APESBEDSPREADS $9 ARPET si 59 Yd PAD 79 Vd TVS 19" Color $99 Salvageman Inc.
776-1036 uany tu-6 sun. 12-5 Mattress ft bo Iwin set. $50. Bvs-: 1-2851 MATTRESSES Sets-all" fW sample mattress sell 60 percent off all sizes. Hurry, limited quantity BED-Z-Z-Z, Inc.
6801 Dixie Hwgy, 937-7030 SOFA, sleeper ft chair, full size $150 for both. 429-5196 SOFA Sleeper. Excellent cond. $80. 366-1379 after 5pm SOFA, beautiful, beige ft rose, excellent condition.
Too large for room, $100 968-1126 SOFA, traditional, excellent Damask, rosebeige color, $150. Call 895-1783. VICTORIAN devan ft chair. EXCELLENT CONO. $300.
361-7063 WATER Mattress, queen size, soft sider, all accessories. Hook to your own head or footboard. 3 mos. old. $400.
Call 937-6117. WATERBED, king size waveless mattress, triple dresser wmlrror, chest on chest, night stand, like new, $1200. Also breakfast bar w2 stools, $150. Gossip stand, $35. Call 423-8727.
UFCOM BEDROOM Set, 6 Piece Including mirror, maple wbrass trim. $600. Call 895-6839. Jzi APPLES, U-PIck or Picked. Cider, Peaches, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes, New Potatoes, Cantelope, Tomatoes, Peppers, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Greens ft much more.
Country cooking served family style In our restaurant. Joe Huber Family Farm-Orchard Restaurant Farm: 923-5597 Restaurant: 923-5255 APPLES, Red ft Yellow Dell-clous, picked ft vou picked. Plus other variety. Hillside Orchard, New Albany, mile North of 265 ft Slate across from Treetops 944-4374 PEACHES. Freestone, $8.95 a bushel.
Miller's Orchard, 7422 Old 3rd St. Rd.31 11 Taylor Blvd. 363-2547361-8387 6.5 tv CHEVROLET 1 979 Conversion Van New carpet, newty covered ceotaln'i chairs couch (that makes bed). All power, excellent cond. $5595.
Week days before 6 426-4654; or wk. ends evenings, 228-8333. CHEVROLET 1985 S10 Pick-up, 1 owner trade In, economical 4 cylinder, 4 speed, stereo, tooper. $5395 3. MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 5325 Preaton Hwy.
968-6111 CHEVROLET 1980 pickup automatic, air, copper, towing pkg, all extras 56,000 miles, nv xuii asKing sjWU. 1-502-765-6070 CHEVROLET, 1980, ton pickup, 4 speed, 350, air. NEW TIRES 68,500 miles. $4200. 241-8819 CHEVROLET 1983 Conversion Van All GM options.
Excellent cond $9750 447-7784 CHEVROLET 2 lone green 1 983 Conversion Yon Front ft rear air. All power o.uuu mi. svwu. CHEVROLET 1979, 3 speed, INCLUDES TOPPER; 82000. 426-9725, after 3PM.
CHEVROLET Van Automatic, V-t, $1150 969-1046 CHEVROLET El Camino, '74. steering 2 after 5 CHEVROLET, 1982, C20 pick-up, automatic, power steering ft brakes, air. $4250. 368-7845. CHEVROLET 1972, Vi ton pickup, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, rally wheels, 8900.
937-61 1 7 HEVROLET Van r. 1978 350, automatic $3150. Latl V4V-BUI0 DODGE, 1983 Conversion Van, Captains Chairs FULLY EQUIPPED $4500. 429-5532 after 7PM. DODGE 1973 Pick-Uo, automatic, power steering, cotd air, runs great.
$750 or trade. 636-1657 FORD 1981 F-100 XLT, rear nice one on a trade In, new 2-lone paint, V-8 engine, eutomatlc, power steering, brakes, air, stereo. $4788 air, siereo MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preaton Hwy. 900-0 111 FORD, 1982 F-350, 1 Ion, 35-1 Windsor Engine, power steering ft brakes. 12 ft.
flatbed, steel wwood floor, Omaha standard factory bed, NEW TIRES Sharp sharp truck! $6195. Cell 937-2707 or 935-8174. FORD 1983 XLT Club Wagon 6 cylinder, eutomatlc, power steeringbrakes. Raised roof, dual captains chairs, I passenger, loaded! Low miles, AAint 426-3344 FORD, 1967, Ion, 302 4 speed, cab ft chassis, good tires, new brakes, looks good, wagon wheels. $450.
Also 90 complete setup for wrecker, PTO winch, boom, cable, eic $250 for all. Call lor details, 241-8413. FORD: Aerostar Cargo Cargo van. Automatic. Air, V-6 engine.
10,000 ml. Sold business, must sell van. 245-1213 FORD 978. t- SO. V-B.
aut matlc, air, power steering ft brakes, amfm stereo, dual fuel tanks, new brakes ft top per. 82200. 368-7052 after 3pm. FORD, heavy duty, EXCELLENT equipped for lowing trailer, SJ5UU. Call 812-952-2901.
FORD Econol of Conversion van, 198: 11, LOADED 818,245 firm. 241-0904. FORD 1968 iSO, Jeeo 197S CJ-1 $700 for each. Call 459-6642 FORD Ranger XL 1986. excel- lenf V-e, 5 speed, air, stereo, topper, $79957267-5640 FORD 1975 F-ISO, 4X4, with topper, low milage, good cond.
82800. 231-0050 GMC Astro 1974, 13 speed, air lag, Budds, sliding Slh, truck has been working every day, $3900. 812-284-4120 Jefferson-vllle, Ind, GMC 1984 Sierra Classic Short bed. sharp. $8700.
Loaded! Extra 933-0760 GMC laoa I ov, vi aw vou, 1. speed, Hat bed, must selll Crew Cab, 454, 4 MAKE OFFER Call efter 60m, 771-1468. ISUZU Trooper II Deluxe, 1986. AmFro, air, luggage rock. White.
$9000. 246-2522 JEEP CJ 1985 Renegade, Spe-clel Edition Package, air, ste reo, 2 lops, bronie color, 20,000 assume lease payments, $260 for 2 yrs. or buy out right. 428-0396 JEEP 1978 JEEP CJ-5 V-8, 3 speed, verv good cond. $2550.
923-3222 Sliver. Ta'n leather. 49.000 miles. All factory options. Nice.
$12,900. 566-9044, Dealer JEEP 1978 CJ-i, i cylinder, 4 wheel drive, meny new parts Including new Good Year wrangler fires. 82000, 245-5187, JEEP Cherokee Larado, 1986, 4x4, 4 door, loaded wextras, low mi. excellent cond. $13,900 245-096B JEEP J5 1972, 4 wheel drive, 65,000 miles.
$800. Call ay-5U50 before 9om JEEP 1983 CJ-7 Renegade, 6 cyiinoer, 4 spaed. 1 26,000 ml. Sooxl. Call 499-6572.
iT 1975 pickup, rare. rotarv enalna. rad. naui tire can MJ-IU2U or 245-32 1. PLYMOUTH 1975 Voyager Van.
power slaarlno A brakes. air, new paint, II passenger, long bed. $2000 896-0379 PLYMOUTH Voyager Mini Van I9B5, excellent 5 speed. $9000. 895-3566 RANGER XLT, 1985, 4 wheel drive, v-4, 5 speed NEVER OFF ROAD 89500.
Call 968-7186. TOYOTA 1982, SR5, wrecked. 4x4! 426-3047 tOY6tA- 1985 Van 5 speed, 40,000 ml. Excellent! V0U. 491-3548 or 244-1752 TRAILER drop deck 1987, for hot shots, load capacity 25,000 lbs.
1-502-533-6718 VOLKSWAGEN: 1968 BEETLE! $200. 459-3583 DRAW Tlte Frame Hitch, V-5, Ford Ranger, 4000 lb, 350 lb. maxlr imum. $75. V4S-2V27.
NGINE for sale, 1986 GM, front wheel drive, onlv 6000 miles, $850. 584-5275. MERCEDES, used exterior, glass, most years, models, 426-5871, 10-10 p.m. TOPPER-FORD F150 Excai-bier, white wslldlng tinted glass, ft luggage rack. Pair of running boards ft bug screen, good condition.
$400. Bv-j or eys-viB. TRANSMISSION, 4 speed for Ford Ranger, 4 cylinder EXCELLENT $350. 945-2927 after 5PM. TRUCK Topper, fiber glass, lone bed ranger pick-up, chocolate color.
$275. 637-6521 HONDA. 1986, Nlghthawk-S, -shaft drive, powerful sport-bike, 700 cc, blue ft white. MINT CONDITION i Matching bell helmets, $2800. Call 423-7039.
hondT 1987 ASPENCADE Matching helmets, Intercom, 900 3 mos. new. 499-8840--HONDA, 1986, 250, windshield BUDDY SEAT 250 actual ml. $1000. 499-8498.
HONDA, 1986 250 Rebel. Red. Excellent Cond. 459-2783 HONDA VT-l 164-4, 1986 Shadow, 55O0 miles, excellent cond. Call 425-6159 after 9 p.m.
HONDA, 1976, 750 automatic; rare, green, good condition: 8500 Call HONDA: 750K Dressed. 1 Excellent cond. $1200. yj-U2, YAMAHA, 1977, XS 500D twin, $325. 944-0109, days, ask for Chuck, evenings, 944-5518.
WU5I 9bLL! JUNK Cars, or trucks," any Corve tte 1981, 2 tone silver ft navy blue, glass top, air, power, cruise, 37,000 miles, excellent cono, garage kepi. 810,399 267-1825 or 244-2949 bAtilM 192 JloVT door coupe, 4 speed, stereo ces-sette, reer defog, new tires, beige exterior, excellent condition. Cell 241-5907. $1575 DATSUN 210 176,, 4 speed, 4 door, sedan, very good very dependable. $600 or best offer.
451-8547 after 5pm See at 6142 Barley Ave, DATSUN, 1981, 200 SX Coupe, automatic, air, amfm cassette, cruise, all power options, 72,000 mi. Nice! Asking $3250 or best offer. 897-1568. DATSUN 280 ZX, 1979 GREAT SHAPE $4500. 636-1230: Call early mornings or evenings.
6ATSUN 280-Z, 1975, gold, black interior, stereo tape, 4 speed, $1450. Coll 583-1020 or 245-3271 DATSUN, 199, 280 ZX, red on red, fully equipped, Mags, new paint tires. Sharp! Asking $3795. Call 945-0412. OATSUN 280ZX, 1979, 5 speed, fully equipped, hearthstone red, great lion, $3300.
Call 896-6501. SIW 22 iijkdu, reguiany maintatneo, DATSUN B-210. looks good, runs great, new tires ft brakes, $800. Call 426-6537. DATSUN-1979 280Z, 5-speed, air, 75,000 miles, new paint, make offer.
Call 456-5354 DATSUN 1980, 210 automatic, air, perfect $1550 or pest, pyo- law FIAT Sport 1978, smooth run-nlng motor, new paint iob, nice Interior, 1 owner. $895 or make offer. Call anytime 772-0646 FIREBIRD-85 T-tops, air, most options, performance suspension, trans am wheels, Immaculate. $7995. 945-0412 HONDA 1980 Accord, 2 door Hatchback, 5 speed, air, power steering ft brakes, AMFM cassette, 1 owner, 80,000 miles, perfect cond.
inside ft out, asking $2750 or make offer. 425-3420 HONDA 1987, Prelude SE, 5 speed, low mileage, air. Many Special Extra's Perfect! $13,800 502-426-6276 HONDA CRX sl 1986, metallic black, excellent 19,500 mites, saauu. -ati 231-9438 HONDA Accord 4 door, air, stereo, 5 speed, $8300, excellent conoiric Hon, 425-5345. HONDA Accord, 1981, 4 door.
nmm, winm It dull 82850. Call 425-8518. HONDA Accord '85, 4 door sedan, 1 owner, automatic, air, clean. $6600. 456-1077 HONDA Ivlc, 1986, amfm, 40 Ml $5200.
40 MPG city, under warranty. i. aaa-eoov wr to-una. JAGUAR XJ6, 1985 33,000 MILES 829,500. 491-5665 Of 267-7373.
AGUAff Too-T XJ 6, Coboft lue, tan leather, 33,000 miles, vat umai 3ra-yuaa JAGUAR 198 SJ6. Black wl tan leather, 45,000 miies, a US car. Dealer 566-9044 JAOUAR: 1986 Jaguar XJ-ti White wtan. 20,000 ml. Sell for $31,000 or assume lease.
1-722-5131 evenings. LE CAR, 1982, $1395. VERY GOOD COND. Cruise control. 637-8362.
MAZDA, 1986 323 DX. Blue 4 door, 5 speed, air, amfm cassette stereo, alloy wheels, 20,000 miles. Excellent cond. 87MO 426-9964 MAZDA, 626, 1981, LOW MILES new tires, air, stereo, 5 speed. MAZDA 1985 LX, musi sell, no reasonable oner re- tused.
Call: 423-0800 MERCEDES 380 SEC 1913, 1 of a kind, only 13,000 miles, beautiful ft Immaculate, looks identical to new 875,000 model Asking. $34,400. Call 244-0797 MERCEDES 1 985 Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 Completely equipped (no radio) US specifications. 4100 mi. Mini cond, all records.
(502) 3-634 days; -5620 nights ONE OWNER! Tafel serviced, excellent 4 door dlesel, $9500 or besf offer. Must sell! 451-1111 days; nights, 895-2122. MERCEDES, 197, 450 SL, black, AMG package. PERFECT CONDITION Books ft records. Call 966-4222 Or 42J-V554.
MERCEDES 560 SL. 1986 soft ft hard lop, air bag EXTRA CLEAN Low mileage, executive's car, Dav966-2n8; eve 8'- au, pom rops, ino owner, complete maintenance record. Never Been In Snow 820,900. Call 606-266-6979. MERCEDES-, 1979, 450SL, 42,000 miles, excellent condi tlon, In service record.
$25,000. ay-3w oay, GY-MU5, night sjiCDrenec "15567 560-SEC, 23,000 miles. ESTATE SALE Call 812-649-9114. MERCEDES 184 380 SL Red Palomino leather, heated seats, child's seal, 33,000 mnes, seeuntut. Dealer 566-9044 MERCEDES 1 93 380 SE, Sii-ver metallic wWack leather, all factory options, 39,000 Immaculate.
Dealer 3oeyu44 Mercedes Beni 1984 Mercedes 190D Excellent cond.l $14,500. Dr. yniTh, aye-BBQj or 426-50U6 MERCEbES, l97i 30tVt), 'sIP ver metallic, power sunroof extras, 90.000 miies. suo $8895. Call 426-8928.
MERCEDES 1976 280 SL, Sll- ver wotacx learner, ootn tops, 67,000 miles. Immeculalel Dealer 566-9044 MERCEDES I98T 500 SEL silver Blue Metallic wgray learner, an rectory options. Immaculate. Dealer 566-9044 MERCEDES 1982 380 SL Ll pis oiue, cream leather, ,000 miles, Immaculate, ueaier 566-yo44 MERCEDES 1980 380 SE, Sll- ver woiue veiour, 72,000 miles. Nice.
Dealer 566-9044 MERCEDES 1982 500 SEL, Koval Blue, Palomino feather, mnes. ueaier 3ft0-V044 MERCEDES 1982 240 bur-gundy, 4-speed, sunroof, $11,750. 246-2522 fVIERCEDEi 1972 280 SE 4.i,' 9 f'' uiomanc. Maw. am- U4tu MG Midget '70.
New top, paint, wire wheels. Runs good, extras. 82300. 933-1336 MGA 1960 Restored MGA 85000. (606) 236-43584494 NISSAN 1984 Senlra Wagon, clean, recent Iradeln, speed, air, amtm ft rear defowuer.
MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET Preaton Hwy. oo-o 111 NISSAN, 1985 300ZX ii blg-Ital, leather, extended warranty. 27.000 mllev $14,200. 423-3464 948-OOH NISSAN: 1987 5 Speed Maxima Garaged! 945-5919 after 6pm NISSAN Stama GL 1984, 5 speed, deluxe Interior, all power, emfm. $6200.
935-5360 NISSAN '82 200SX, 5 speed, air, am-fm, stereo, new tires, low 969-3784 after 5 mmR 1985 FIERO GT 18,000 ml. I owner. Loaded! Excellent cond.l $9700. 948-8806 after PORSCHE: 1989 924 TURBO PORSCHE Sunroof, air, power windows, speed. 16 inch alloys with Pirelli P-7s.
2 lone, diamond silver ft heikH blue. Black leather. 38,000 mi. $8500 firm. Musi sell! 363-9164 weekdays PORSCHE-1975 91 IS, Immec- ulate.
79.000 mi. foo many op- lions to list. Reduced. t.yvo. 2b-w)04 evenings PORSCHE, 1979, 911 SC Targa, red, 1 owner, 53,800 Call 812-723-3767.
PORSCHE 944, 1983. black, speed, 83,000 Must sell, 810,995 firm. Call 245-6861 6ENAULT Le Car 1978, radio, air, 4 speed, student car. $650, Call 228-5128 SAAB 900 Turbo, 1980. i door, power steeringbrakes, am tm cassette, sunroof, midnight blue.
90,000 mi. $3991 456-4592 boat. 85HP Mercury. Power trim, trolling motor, more. $6000, (502) 348-5269 A-l Shape! Garaged! MARINETTE, 32 tf.
sedan, air, extras, excellent very low hours. $42,500. cll 812-282-9205, home; or 502-452-6312, work. MARINETTE, 1966, it ft. New point, new covers.
This week $6,500, must sell. Call 351-4538 MARINETTE: 1981 28ft. twin 250 Chryslers. LOADED (502) 452-6459 PONTOON, 1987 DELUXE, equipped. Call l-isi-0688.
RUNABOUT. 1979 Vlkino inn- SS Trl-Hull. 170 HP Mer-crulser wTowlow trailer. All safety equipment, good cond. $4650 239-3564 RUNABOUT, 1986, 16Vi ft.
Glasport, 120 HP Mercrulser, low hours, stainless steel prop, AM-FM cassette, $7000. Call SAILBOAT 1972 Pearson, 26 4 neao sans ft trl-radlal spinnaker. I ho Mercury, hranH nau. $12,500. Call Mark Peterson 589-2WH days 3249 nights SAILBOAT, "NEW HUNTER 26 5.
Boat, $18,600 motor ft sails. call 228-1767 SEANYMPH Fishing Boat, trailer, trolling motor, 70 HP Mercury, runs great, bargain. Call 459:5605 Or 897-2506. EA RAY, 1987 orrento 3-21, $19,995. all 893-9431 after 6 p.m.
SEAR AY, 1977, 22 ft. cuddy cabin, 230 HP Mercrulser, MANY EXTRAS! Excellent cond. Shoreline trail er, Winter storage Included. Asking $9850. Must selll Call i-T3-303 or wj-ye 1 1, SEARAY, IM1 t4 130 HP Mercruiser.
Ope iviiie joen hdui wdrlve on trailer S94HO $9451 Call 606-236-3771. NEVER IN WATER SEARAY ltrf mere, cru se outor ve. sta n. wss sieei prop. S4MJO.
VJ5-5U4937-9750 SEARAY 1978 SRV-245 Sedan! hardtop, 490 hrs. sleeps 6. ex cellent has all extras. tH tror nboard mithnjtret. 91V1 MB.
t3VU. 0-424e SK AHA VHA J(H VllvUnrw tuitv loaoea including eir. cal 1 1-JUJ3 SEARAY 1978 22', cuddy cauin, mil canvases, wet bar, many extras, sayuu, 24I-OU4? SILVERTON, 31' Plybrldoe Sedan, 1985. twin 270 HP Crusaders, many extras, low hours. Will consider tmnllar boat as trade In, financing as- sitienut powioie ror quatiTiea inaiviaua ia xn-u -j iKEETE.
1986 Starflre ft. Bass Boat, Evlnrude 150, showroom 945-3084 TROJAN, 10 meter Interna- tlonsl 'fi Inu, air reduced, 897-9296228-S844 TROJAN 25', 1969, fiberglass wtraller, 318 eu. In. engine. $4950.
288-6686 Wk.BIH.KAPT, IV79. 20' OPOh oow, aeep 60 hk Mercrulser, amfm stereo cassette, full canvas, custom tan dem trailer. Only 150 hours. auper svsw. zw-obw VELLCR AFT 1984.
Nov 3XL. 260 Mercrulser. tenriam trailer, perteel S17JO0. Call WINNER 1983 Fill w70 hp Mercury many extras kniurnnm www i win wiivi S6500. 96V-772 abover camper tiis a t-t.
oeo. $4(J0 935-5047937-9750. CAMPER, Overhead, stova refrigerator, sink ft etc, fits 8', aacnrice at saw, zss-aya FORD Truck Camper IS1 It. fully equlped, excellent cond. sibw or traue.
joa-rll International mod el, 35', park model, air. wash er ft dryer, private BR, $8750. Call 543-3866 or 543-9a3. kountry aIre. irti 1984 travel '89 ttaiier, ji extras, tvtust sacrifice, call Liberator, i94 everylhind ne inside, low miles $5000.
703-3uayj-y5u OPEN Road '74, good cond. Low miles. 969-0340 PACE Arrow 1984 motor home, class A. 20 ft roar double bed, fully equlped, tike new. 5U2-7M-853 PACE ARROW.
1985 34 ft all wiiuns, very clean, one own- er puo-Z33-qy65 TOW Car, 1987, equlooed; speed, air, 8000 miles. Must sew Lneap. Lan 267-6Z22, WINNEBAGO, 1981, 26 Class A Like like new. i. wuiwu, vai bhvu, HJW 1 owner, $22,900.
937-9618 WINNEBAGO. 9 fla motor home. 22 roof air, low mnes. cond. runs well.
$6500. 361-3531 WINNEBAGO 1974 riacc' A 26'. Low miies, generator, roof hI "e1 937-4422 MOTOR Home Rentals, rea- sonaoie rotes, t-or inquiries. 948-5821. HONDA Spree, 1987.
tssor es. Low ml 228-5822 after 5 p.m. JXNCUN, MEXICO ROYAL MAYAN BEACH CLUB THE 5 resort. Beachfront villa. 2 BR.
accommodates 6 persons, Jan. 23 through Jan. 30, 1988. Also, off-beach villa, 2 BR, accommodates 6 person. Jan.
30 iy mo. iTst, or rent by owner. Reduced quicx rental, hukkyi iBNfjy4e-zra FRENCH Lick Springs, Ind. Luxurv Vacation. Low Price.
Mil 10.1A 1 BO 4 Sleeps 8-S475. 502-6y5-3415 MARCO ISLAND. FL. Luxury furnished Condo. 2 BRs, sleeps 6.
Call 606-255-4073. PANAMA City Beach Gulf front condo rentals. Efficiency, 1, 2 ft 3 BR. Aquatic Realty Inc. 1-800-528-4466 iANIBEL ISLAND, FL Fur- iineu t-onoo, DKS, I DBtns.
Few steps to beech, pool, ten-nls. Call collect SO2-8S6-0v65 DEER Rifle, 44 mag, lever ac tion, 10 shot, 6 power scope, we or ommo, JOJ-VBJJ. SHOTGUN Remington 1100, 12 gage automatic, ventilated rib, 26 Inch Improved cylinder barrel. $275. Gotf Clubs 2 sets oags $35 SU.
LSI! 499-9614 MaWlfttl 1 POOL Sweep, Arneson, with sweep head, sweep noses, feeder hose, bottom drain leaf basket. $200. 458-1898 nights Free Public boating course, conducted by Louisville Power quaarotl. starts Monday, Sent. 14.
1987 7 om. Wastonrt Middle School, 8100 Westport Rd. For more Information call William Buchanan 588-5661, Wanda Bioas 944-61137. or John McBrlde 893-7679, Transportation 900 999 AMC Pacer Station Wagon, 1977. 4 speed, amtm, Clean.
Needs minor body work. $500. Call 637-1205 after 6pm BUICK SKYHAWK, 1985 "Rare" T-type turbo whitecharcoal, all power options, sunroof, new tlreswar-rantv, fresh tune-up, air, 4 soeed, 30 plus MPG, garage keot. many extras. Call hnfore 5 p.m., 447-3606; after 6 p.m.
1-812-633-4851. BUICK, Wi LeSabre fon-vertlble. Runs great, needs paint, many new parts, top al-most new. $1500 Call 893-8048 BUICK Regal '76 V6 runs good $400 368-3634 6 JAA: browncamel 1980 SAAB GLI new brakesexhaust systems, amfm cassette stereo w4 speakers. $4750.
2M-4i4 SAAB, 1983, 900 Turbo. Black, 4 door sedan, nice car, $7995. 425-0442 or 895-9597 SUBARU Wagon GL, 1985. 4 wheel drive, air, 5 speed, amfm stereo, $6900 firm. Excellent Cond 502-732-9028 or 812-273-6744.
SUBARU: 1981 GL Wagon 5 speed, air, stereo, low miles, very clean. $2475. 425-6409 SUZUKI Samurai, 1987 onvertlble wonly 1700 miles, year eu.oog mile warranty. JVC amfm cassette, $10,400. TOYOTA Cellca, 1980 5 Speed Hatchback new tiresnew batterynew clutchnew exhaustnew heaternew tuneup.
Excellent cosmetic-mechanical needs nothing 228-5417; 581-5059 TOYOTA, Supra-Turbo charged, 1987, Hard lo find PEARL WHITE Tarage kept, fully loaded, 1,000 ml, $21,500, 423-7039. TOYOTA, 1980, Celica GT lift-back, automatic, air, AMFM cassette, 1 owner, 78,000 miles, perfect cond. Inside ft out, asking $2850 or make of-fer. 425-3420 TOYOTA 1984 Cellca GT, 2 tone paint, all the extras, excellent cond, 1 owner. 18500.
239-6794 TOYOTA. 1981 Corolla, "1 door, 5 speed, rear defog, NICE CAR! 82400. Call 499-0872. TOYOTA, 1984 Supra, excel-lent cond. $10,500, days, 589- 414r'nyiiis, nignts 28J- uu.
TOYOTA Tercel 1980, 5 speed. 90,000 miles, good Iranspor-laiion, $1050. 367-6922 after 5 TOYOTA Corolla. 1979 re lent 4 speed. $1550, must sen, wan 4o-4 an 6 p.m.
TOYOTA 1979 Cellcia, power fccn'iv oi uiarv, atf. iun- roof, sports car took 267-0045 triumph; 1959 TR3 Convertible excellent body, new paint, new top ft interior, runs good, $4300 9-324 VOLKSWAGEN. 1982 Rabbit LS, 4 door Llftback, 5 speed air, stereo, rear defog, new tires, black exterior, excellent conaiiton. Laii 241-590, $2675 VOLKSWAGEN: 1983 Quantum: Turbo Diesel BARGAINt $3500 Loaded! Sunroof. 426-0676 or 456-5570 VOLKSWAGEN1, 198 iciroc-co, speed, 16 red, black leather Interior, sunroof, am fm cassette, 6000 mi.
241-9831. EXCELLENT VOLKSWAGEN, Wi Sclroco, runs good. Cell 969-5801. $500 or best offer. V6lkSwa4en" mann- Ghia.
excellent Interior. fair exterior, run good. $1095 MK--4iuy nigntweekends VOLKSWAGEN, 1981 Rabbit LS(4 door, 4 speed, dlesel, air, mi. yua-uaaj VOLKSWAGEN, 1983 Rabbit GTI, 5 speed, air, stereo, sun- root, S4W5. Nignts, 2Z8-3096.
VOLKSWAGEN. '79 Beetle. convertible, 1 owner, $6900 or best offer, 502-865-6341 VOLKSWAGEN, 1984 Rabbit GTI. Air, amfm cassette, 5 speed, low mi. 267-6953 VOLKSWAGEN, 1973 owner.
Bug. runs Baby blue, 2nd great. $1225. 896 1534 VOLVO 1974 164, 4 door, like new tires, automatic, air, s-aill 43-J43 GO 1986. while.
Ilka new. 3800 miles, radio, healer, LatiBVj-535 MERCEDES Porscfm; BMW's, Jaguars. NEW ft USEDI 1965's thru 1987'sl Sold at or below book prices. Warranties available on all ore- owned cars. References avail- aoie.
o-TP44: ueaier BUICK, 1941-56IS) CoupeRT built engine, body primed, reasonble. Call 244-9232 CADILLAC Convertible 1974, while wred leather ft new red lop, great 105,000 ml. wmalntenance records, $4350 282-9460 between 9 ft 4:30 CAMARO 1969 CAMARO Z-28 $4000. (502) 228-0757 CHEVROLET, 1964 Corvette Stingray Coupe, 2500 miles restoration, SI 1,900, Call 502-684-1589. Chevr6leT; pickup; original truck, $2950, Call 502- EVR Runs good.
426-9871. CORVAIR, 1963 Coupe, restored, all new mechanical-ly, asking $3300. Call 222-1477, DODGE Brothers, 1929, Vlc-lory 6 coupe, dual side mounts, new llres ft battery GARAGE KEPT Sound car. $5200. 441-2423.
FORD 1930 MODEL 2 door, body restored, looks good, runs oood, $5000 or might lake trade. Call after 4:30, 502-536-3626 ForE door hardtop, 45,000 actual miies, S43QU. ceil FORD 1969. Gain lie 500 convertible average car, $2500. Call 363-3293 GTO, 1971, 400C 4 speed.
1 owner, low mil kepi. $5,500. 448 owner, low mileage, garage -2423. SUPERIOR CAR KARMANN Ghla converi-ible, 4 speed, am-fm radio, new too, asking $2850. 282-1144 MERCURY 1946, Coupe.
Pa tialiy restored. Solid car. Needs little work to comolete. Call 244-9232 MUSTANG 1965 Rangoon Red CONVERTIBLE Black tooInterior, factory air, Rally Pac. stvlad steal wheals Ground up restoration.
$9000. Z6-9505 OavS895-4539 OveS. MUSTANG: Red wblack top 1965 Convertible 289 automatic. New paint, excellent cond.l $7000. (812) 33f)-2613 before 5om MUSTANG 1967, 6 cylinder MINT COND.
automatic, air, 78,000 miles, $3500. Call 448-0904 after 5cm. MUSTANG 1965, Excellent, stick, 200 cu.ln good Invesl- ment 81950. 456-5682. MUSTANG 1965 Fastback, sJj i8' automatic, red.
$3500. Call 937-0639 PONTIAC, 1975 Grandvlile BROUGHAM CONVERTIBLE, 455 engine, last one made by Pontiac, 86,000 actuel miles. Every GM Option. Per fect conamon. 4VI-71IV PONTIAC '68 if6, CON-VERTIBLE, 58,000 actual miles, red, automatic, air, power steering ft top.
Beautiful restoration 491-7119. Serious Inouirv ontv RIVIERA, 1972. Excellent con-dltlon. Must see to appreciate. 82500.
Call 933-0293 ST ARCHIEF Pontiac 1960, i door, hard top, trophy winner, extra nice, $4000, 944-5545 WANTEDI 1954-1951 Nash Mefroonlllan Must be a Convertible, no rust. Call from 8-10 p.m., 423-1867. iiTTirm AEROSTAR 1987, still under warranty. XL package, tpwino package. 13,500.
Caii 944-9305 BRONCO II, 1985, loaded, per-fect cond. 36,000 mi. 1 owner. 89750. Call; 1-422-4146 CHEVOLET: White ft Blue 1985 S-10 BLAZER Tahoe psckasw.
37,000 ml. S9B50. 451-1734 aU for Mark CHEVROLET 1905 El Camino Conquista, Hard to find I owner trade in, only 24,000 miles. MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 5325 Prston Mwy. woo-on i CHEVROLET 1980 C-10 Rebuilt 350, power steering brakes, automatic, new tires.
aluminum bed liner. Stereo. In storage for 2 yrs 83250. 812-256-5762 after 6pm CHEVROLET 1984 Van. Com fort Coach Conversion raiuad roof, amfm stereo cassette, cruise, CB, power locks ft windows, tilt wheel, sink, dual air, wardrobe, alarm system more, can CHEVR6LET, 1976 long bed, under, automatic, orown le.
original paint ft Interior. 2nd owner, 84,000 miles. $2650. Call 933-2905 alter 8PM. air cond.
tan, radio, power sieering oraxes, not licensee for 2 yrs. $625 you pay taxes. BUICK Park Avenue 1986. power, velour Interior, Sym phony sound system, bargain $12,700. 245-8504 BUICK 1982, Skylark.
V6, auto power steering, 4 door, air, amtm radio. Clean! Good tttin. an 44-eji BUICK Electra Estate Wagon, 1984. 9 passenger, blue, sharp. loaded, 1 owner, 108,000 ml.
MvHi. can ei--j6. BUICK cruise. LaSabre. ir, 4 door sedan white new tires, $4300.
423-8371 BUICK, 1983 Century cruise, power steering 'brakes. wice car. S4zw. CADILLAC, Sedan. 1976 69,000 miles, dean, new tires, many new parts.
$tooo. MUST SELLI Call 283-5620 evenings; 5003 days; Ask for Bob. CADILLAC Eldorado, 1H Leather, Bose sound system, new nras, mnes. VERY NICE CAR 813,200. Call 245-8504.
CADILLAC, 1977 Musi sell! ELDORADO BIARRITZ Too of the line. Too many op- nw'l rw iisi. aoio new $2600. Call 239-6181. CADILLAC'78 Fleetwnn, Brougham.
Loaded Including moonroof, brown wbelge in-terlorvlnyle lop. Excellent long, szjw. aii vrt-tn CADILLAC Sedan Devlll tyy, owner, szvyy. EXCELLENT COND Call after 7PM, 423-9208. CADILLAC, 1972 Eldorado, tnreriorexterior mecnamcel- Xi excellent cona.
Loaded, -1, 56,000 miles. 366-0604. CAOILLAcTWr Vine, low miles, cond. $4000. Call 935-1104.
Coupe Di super good 913-0603 or CADILLAC 1978, Fleetwood Brougham, all extras, good conq. can ybO-5J5l CADILLAC De Ville, 1986. Ex cellent cond. 8,000 ml. $17,500.
can 43B-3B2 Or 45-1182 791 Seville, exral lent cond. fully loaded, leather, wire wneeis, saxw. 895-3902 CADILLAC. 1977 Seville, maroon. $3250.
Call 245-5584. CADILLAC, W) Eldorado piarnii, snape, $5500. CAMARO, 1984, T-tops, air amfm stereo, new (Ires $6200. Call 964-8431 after 8PM. CAMARO, 1984 Berllnetta.
All Camaro options. 39,000 ml. Excellent cond. $7400. 361-5369 CAPRI, 1981, very low miles, excellent condition.
458-511: aner weokoavs. $32M. torn Dt 42,000 miles, red! book good condition. $5400. 245-4920 CAVALTiR 1984 CS.
recant trade in, automatic, air, power steeringbrakes, nice small $5ae MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preston Hwy, woo-o i CAVALIER 1982 Coupe, 4 cyl-Inder, 4 speed with stereo, nice small car. MONTGOMERY untvMOLt I 6325 Preston Hwy. SOO-OUl CAVALIER 1985, I rinor automatic, air, power Heerlno oraMis, omim tiereo, mnej, i owner, VERY GOOD COND, $5700. 1-538-7670. CAVALIER, 1983 Station vauorK air, mites, S4J3U.
Lad 4M-662. CAVALIERS 1986, 4 Door's i Wagons, automatic, power steeringbrakes, air, several to cnoose trom. sootta. MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preefon Hwy 8DO-Q111 CHEVROLET. 1983 iaprlce.
utesei a ooor Moan. Air, power seatslocks, amfm. cruise. tilt, wire wheel covers, high mi. Average reran in naua pook.
sbu. oreat euy $2I9S. 423-1800 days only, nrton-rri. door burgundy coupe, auto matic, air, power, stereo. Only 64,000 Mileslll Excellent cond.
$1450, 241-6032 CHEVROLET 1986 NOVA 5 speed, air, 27.000 rr $5975. Call 635-5039 CHEVROLET Malibu Classic Station Wagon, 1976, power, air, V-8, stereo, 3rd seal, very CHEVROLET Malibu Classic 1981 low new tires, air, irnm, very gooo cono. sjivu. can fat 451-5v CHEVROLET, 1976 tmpala, 2 door, 350, automatic, runs great, 120,000 miles, body In gooo conq. wva. yoy-styz. CHEVROLET, 1969 Chevelle, 48,000 miles, air, automatic, KIOKS Dao-Dut varv deoand. aoie, 430. Nignts, 45-tyi6. CHEVROLET.
CaDrice 197! power steering brakes, V-l, Monia iittiBi, yuvu anuii li00. 228-082 hevkulet I97B Caprice iw, loaueo wex Iras, 305 V-8, $1500, 245-2343 CHEVROLET Celebrity 1986 Eurosport wagon, amfm new tires, siys. 426-Z154 CHEVROLET, 1984 taton. air, 4 door, 4 cylinder, 71,000 miles, $2006. Call 458-8207.
CHEVROLET. 1976 Monte Lano. Looks ft runs good! Air. CHRYSLER LeBarpn Con vertlble. 1984.
Mark Crass ed. lion, fully digital dash, elec tronic voice a en. power n- dows, seats ft cruise, turbo, air, am-fm tape, front wheel Drive. 436-2823 OUGAR: 197V. Good cond.
ilr. oower stearlnahraka. vmri twi, ipw. qyo-mry CUTLASS Supreme, wel kept, 1 owner, air VERY LOW MILES Price negotiable. 775-8932, CUTLASS Supreme 1974, fair condition, $475.
228-143) CUTLASS 197t converllbll new lop 8, tires, pads, good $2300. 24)-6634 alter li DODGE 1985 Charger, clean, recent trade In. Prettv black car woecent miles. $5ytw Lai wuei MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preaton Hwy. aoo-o ill DODGE; 1985 LANCER TURBO air, AMFM, cruise, 21,000 mi.
svau. 45a-yu after pm DODGE Colt 497000 miies, cneap transportation. runs great, 4 speed. 30-40 mpg, nice ft dean, $1900. Call 245-8466 DODGE Omni, 1986, 4 door, 5 speed, air, amfm stereo, $6195.
Call 228-5912. DODGE 1982, Omni 024, good bodygood motor, Call Kent at 425-6394 DODGE '83 Aries 4 door, rear defrost, automatic, air. Very good cond. $3700. 239-0050.
DODGE Colt, 1980, air, excel- car, gooo 246-3088 BODGE 1975 Charger SE, 360, new parts ft tires, looks runs great. $825. Call 636-2325 DODGE, 1972 Polara. Aulo- mallc, power, air, 78.000 ml. I owner, souu.
4yi-B3y4, nights FIREBIRD 1967. convertible. 400 engine, good 73,000 0 firm. 812-273-4019 FORD 1984 Escort Wagon, nice economical family vehicle. Automatic, air, power steer-Inobrakes.
less than 50.000 mnes. sooi miles. $3695 MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preaton Hwy. vsa-oiii FORD 1982 Escort, Inexpen-sive good dependable trans portation. 5 speed, air, cas sette.
$2788 MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preaton Hwy. aoo-om FORD, 1985, Thunderblrd LOADED wmost options, gar sue kept, 1J.VW till. OTIHf a. FORD 1984 Mustang GT turbo, t-loo, new tires, air, 5 SDeed. am-fm tana, acklna $7500.
239-0043 FORD '78 LTD II, good cond. RUNS GOOD Best offer. Call 241-8659. FORD GT Escort 1986, excel-ient cond. premium sound, cruise, air.
Red ft kiw mileage. yvorx, MU-y36l-W065pm FORp, 1981 Fairmont: 4 door cylinder wagon, cruise, air, power, automatic. Only 49.800 ml. $2495. 893-7185 Or 895-7964.
power steering ft brakes; good interior, motor, transmission, ft exterior. $895, 969-8929 FORD thunderblrd, 17 power steering, air, cruise, 1 owner, $1200, 245-6828 FORD, 1981 Crown Victoria. 4 door, loaded. New tires. $2950.
uan alter opm. FORD: 1980 Mustano" 51,000 mi. Loaded woptlont 1 owner $2750. 366-377 FORD EXP, 1984: HMS mties, sunrooi, amtm stereo. good cond.
$40g Call 935-80li FORD, 1986 tempo LX ex-ceilent cond. Low miles. Loaded. $7500. 367-0668 anytime.
FORD Pinto, '75 cheap pendeble transportation. ioii ya-1044 FORD: 1973 Lt6. miles! 429 engine. $500. (812) 951-2281 FORD 1970 LTD wagon, very good body, good Iransporta-tion, 8)95.
969-8929 HOR IZON, 1987, air, power steering ft brakes, warranty, amfm, rear defog, cloth teals, $5800. 447-3879. PERFECT CONDITION DNCOLN 1984, 4 door CONTINENTAL gray, automatic, air, lilt, cruise ft many other Lincoln options, $10,901 584-8583 be-fore 5pm; After 6pm. 244-0531. LINCOLN Town Car.
TofcT ruiiv xiaoeo, tow mileage, ga rage kept, $16,000. 896-8573 LINCOLN Continental, 1977," 4 door, cream, 8900 good cono. Asxing $yya. zjy-5Q5y Moon roof ft leather, Musf SELL! $3295. 451-7143.
LYNX. 1987 Station Wagon LS, air, power steering ft IvikH YcnA li. Wl 1IUICV, (JUV IIIIIVS, Z-Bnr, $8495, Call 239-B590, MERCURY, 1982 Lynx GL station wagon, automatic, air, power, stereo, rear defog, luggage rack, woodgrain, white exterior, excellent condition. 241-5907. $2275 MERCURY topai, door, loaded, A-1 shape, $4510.
895-2864 634-8314 MONTE Carlo 1978, 305 engine seats, powoer runs perfect. $1195. 491- wder blue, 5. 491-2228 368-2458 MONTE Carlo 1973, auld," air, stereo, oucxet seats. i a-alu, Tinri top, excellent, y4e-vy64 MONTE Carlo 1980, JI.OOO miles, mint condition.
$3750 Call 949-8010 MUSTANG 1984, 6 cylinder, air, automatic, stereo cassette, factory options, new tires ft wire wheels, low miles, nice ft clean. $4150, 366-0444 MUSTANGl 1983 Convertible Low miles, excellent cond. $7995. 459-7500 or 459-0726 MUSTANG, 1984, Lx, all Gt sranoara eauipment every available option. $6300.
Call 429-0600 MUSTANG, 1968, right fender ft hood wrecked, whole or part out. Call 935-8018. MUSTANG 1967, new paint, 36-728 excellent $4000. NOVA, 1978, 4 door, power iteertng brakes, air 105 engine, oood cond 11094 Days 367-0667, evenings ft weekends, 447-8121 OLDSMOBILE, 1983 Cutlass -iera wntte, 2 ooor, power sieering ft brakes, air, tilt, AM-FM, 61,000 miles, excellent cond. $5775.
After 5 937-9358. OLDSMOBILE: 1980 Delta 88 4 Door, V-8, tilt, cruise, air, power. $3050. 425-3730 am-fmjalr1 r.w'-r33jrun' OLDSMOBILE, Calais, 1986, white wtxue Interior, amtm cassette, sunroof, all power, 89500. 562-3959 days; 429-648 OLDSMOBILE 1978 Custom Cruiser Wagen.
491-3055 OLDSMOBILE1 Cutlass 177, 1 owner, 93,000 miles good 81450. 776-8645 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass '83, 4 door, air, amfm, good best offer. 426-7858 PLYMOUTH Horlion 1981, air, amfm radio, good body ft motor, SI30U. 4VI-6464 PONUAC, 1978 Grand Prix V8, power, aulo, air, t-lops, amfm stereo, rebuilt transmission, new exheusfradlator Looks Runs Good! 82000. 812-967-3150 after 4pm.
poNfiAe 1979 Bonneville V-8, 2 door automatic, air, power steeringbrakes, am fm radio, vinyl top, 52,000 ml. A-l condition! 245-3146 PONTIAC, Sunblrd 1985 4 door, automatic, 2 tone Saint, power steering ft rakes, tilt, air, erulse, premium stereo, $5850. 897-19)1. FONTlAe 6000, 1986, luxury edition, 4 door, power, air, lilt, cruise, very clean. Bergaln.
$8100 456-666? pontiac leii-T-Iood," low miles, 5 door, air, 4 speed, runs great, body rough, $975. 458-5803 ask for Bruce. PONTIAC, While, 1982 FIREBIRD S5000hesl offer, 772-7721 pontTac" 1979 Grand onrr air, small V-8, stereo, wheels, $2195. 239-1873. SPOrf PONTIAC, 1977 Sonnlevllle.
power windows, doors ft seats, simxj. iati 4yi-ry4o. THUNDERBIRD, 1982, V6, air, tilt, cruise, 49,000 mi. EXCELLENT COND, 84300. Call 969-8671.
THUNDERBIRD 198S Annl-versary Model, 302 air conditioning, oower steering ft brakes, emfm cassette, load-ed. Call before 2pm. 368-5713 AMC. 1983 Renault. 4 speed, reo i ooor.
rerreci conoittoi $1571 or best offer. Call 896-1534 BMW, 1973, 2002, 83,000 miles, Alpine stereo, sunroof, white wnavy leather Interior, mini, S46UU. tail ev6-47oe. BMW, 1982, 3201, black, speed, sunroof, good condition. $8200.
Call 491-5078 after 5PM. CORVETTE 1981. Silver on Charcoal Grev, garage kept, very low mileage. Excellent Cond cruise, titt steering, power windows ft locks. Mirrored tops.
2jy-u4y after 6 ORVETTE 6 to CHOOSE ROM. FROM 1978 to 1987. All nice cars, make an offer. MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET 6325 Preaton Hwy. 968-6111 CORVETTE, 1975, white, ORIGINAL COND.
tops, red Interior, power steering, air, new Firestone tires. L-48 350 engine. 53.000 actual ml. 384-4964384-5009. Corvette, 1965 CONVERTIBLE Blue wwhlte too, black Interior, matching numbers, excellent cond.
$13,900. Call 2-2B2-9460 or 812-282-1693. CORVETTE, 1975 Coupe, T-tops, low miles, ell numbers match, good shape. 366-9423. MANY NEW PARTS! CORVETTE 1971 white con-vertiole, excellent body ft paint, original rebuilt engine w6000 excellent tires, aoiys.
iaa-oroo alter apm CORVETTE, 1977, automatic, light blue, new point, LOW MILES $8000. 425-5784. CORVETTE, '12 light silver green, 31,000 excellent moving must sell, best offer. 245-6128 CORVETTE 1978 Silver Anniversary ,000 ml, $9500 366-2698; 6PfTt CORVETTE 1982 Collectors aitton, Champagne, 25,000 tiles, oarage keot. Serious in quiries oniv.
4j-jj5i ORVETTE. 1970. T-f oo. souou. can 245-obo, CORVETTE '84.
loaded, silver charcoal, end of summer special, make offer, 426-7724 CORVETTE, 1960. white on black, oarage kept. Excellent. $12,500. 425-0496, 448-5044 LuevcTTcs, sell or Buy Your Corvette The Auction Way BOB MCDORMAN CORVETTE AUCTION Sat Spot 19th For Information 614-837-3421 Route 33, Gender Canal Winchester, OH.
43110 5 immai CLOCK, Grandfather; Write box vv-sae co Lourier-journal, 525 Broadway, Louls- Tmq, tv avo POSTCARDS-Anlioue toys, r.w.vl IIBIITW, IIIOB, Photos, etc. 893-5932; 459-6808. TOY TRAINSTIf talllrW Please call ma for mv rMmr Collector: 969-4070 after 6 p.m. ist mm COMPUTER YARD SAIE Louisville Independent Computer Dealers Association Sat. Sept 12th, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Under the tenl, Gardiner Lane Shopping Center. Thousands of Items marked down, up to 90 off. Apple lie model aoziou new in oox, $499; Epson Lx86 new In box. $149: new 20 Meg hard drives, $269. Latl yK-436-431 I.
Pltata cala annrikAll.K, KY. Hgwy. 421 South side of town. Lucy Greenwood Prop- Trtv. aept.
iz-u starts at 0am, no early salesl Many collector items large ft small: Lasn ontv, no cnecks (502 532-6S18 Friendship Flea Market Friendship, Indiana Sept 12-Sept 20 (West of Dillsboro on Stale Route 62) (812) 667-5645 BANQUET CHERRY TABLE tWAUALYN: Holy Trinity Church Yard Sale Sept. 12, 9-2, clothing ft smell appliances ft more. HALOEMAN MOVING SALE Furniture, washer, airplane. car, misc. Sat thru Frl 9 a.m.
Recreation 800 899 BAJA, 1986, Force 220 cuddy, aw imBi, i-oini, UU ars, paoeo, sl.vxi. gV5-10IJ BASS HAWK XL, 1984, 1985 Yamaha 150 HP tonna Call 425-8067 BASSBOAT V-170 Alumacraff NEW PHANTOM 115 Yamaha Can he lean at 3320 Frankfort Ave. List sett By6-1089 BAYLINER. 1986 2450 Ciara Suncrulser. 225 HP Volvo, In outboard.
Vow Hull protection, AMFM, full canvas, marine radio, much more, slio avanaDie, excellent cono. 245-6133 after 6pm BAYLINER 1984, CUDDY CABIN 19'. 125 Volvo enalna siereu, tun caom cover, trailer, $7950. Call 245-8527 after 5pm. BOSTON Whaler, 17', Center console.
115 trailer Excellent cond. $5995. CARVER 28 1984, aff mhln. 9.Ki hnurt nn annlnor 425-0225 453-133 CHRISCRAFT Cavalier, 1966. trailer to settle estate.
nnnRCUTTer. latl 03-4Z. CHRISCRAFT Roamer JI' 1960, Steel Hull, nice condition, twin engines. $9750. 288-6686.
COBIA: 17' fiberglass, red. ui nr mercury outooara. Many Fishing Extra. 1 cond! $3800, (502) 895-2203 CREST 24' Johnson. On pontoon, 55 HP Johnson.
On a bouy at Patoka Lake. $2100. 181) 951-2781 CROSBY Bass boat, 1974. 40 HP Mercury wcover ft ac-cessorles $2300. 267-024? CRUISER, 23', eft cabin, 1985, Wellcrafl, 260 Mercrulse, trim taos, run covers.
EXCELLENT COND. Must sell! $20,500. 245-3154. OYNA-TRAK 1987, 18' FISH SKI Limited edition wJohnson GT. 150, 41 lbs.
Minnkola trolling motor, debt finder, stereo ft cover, $13,500. (fall 256-69)5 GLASPAR: 1974. 17'. 140 HP Inoutboard. Mint cond.l $4500.
inuj yj- HOUSEBOAT: 35' steel hull 4 cylinder inboard, new upholstery ft refrigerator. Will take pontoon boat in trade or $5,500. Can be seen at Nick's Marina, Slip 59, on Rough River. For more info 935-9979 HOUSEBOAT, 33 ft. Chrl-scraft, 283 4 barrel, fly bridge, KW generator, air, shower, electric head, stove, refrigera-tor.
$11,500. Call 245-6631 H5DT6'e6At- Klngscrafl, 1, jj tt flybridge. marine radio, Chrysler, In utboard, excellent le.vuu 425-5469 ANriUUfcS 712 LYNDON LN. 425-9700 any model wanted to maKe a buy. 363 make 2660.