Stomach pain relief; causes, treatments, and home remedies (2024)

Abdominal discomfort can occasionally be a sign of a more serious medical condition. Find out more about stomach ache causes and treatments here.

In this article:

  • Common causes of stomach pain
  • Stomach pain treatments
  • Over-the-counter medications for stomach pain relief
  • Prescription medications
  • Surgery
  • 8 home remedies for stomach pain relief
  • 1. Drinking water
  • 2. Ginger
  • 3. Heat
  • 4. Tea
  • 5. Apple cider vinegar
  • 6. Make a few dietary changes
  • 7. Fiber
  • 8. Exercise
  • When to seek medical care

Stomach pain relief; causes, treatments, and home remedies (1)Stomach pain relief; causes, treatments, and home remedies (2)

  • Common causes of stomach pain
  • Stomach pain treatments
  • Over-the-counter medications for stomach pain relief
  • Prescription medications
  • Surgery
  • 8 home remedies for stomach pain relief
  • 1. Drinking water
  • 2. Ginger
  • 3. Heat
  • 4. Tea
  • 5. Apple cider vinegar
  • 6. Make a few dietary changes
  • 7. Fiber
  • 8. Exercise
  • When to seek medical care
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Stomach aches never come at a good time. Despite how painful they can feel, aches are very common and treatable. There are many home remedies that soothe the one-off stomach ache that anyone can implement in their daily life.

However, some instances of abdominal pain may point to a more serious medical issue. Keep reading to learn more about stomach pain relief, its causes, and when to see a healthcare provider.

Common causes of stomach pain

Abdominal pain can be confusing; sometimes, knowing what causes it is easier said than done. Numerous illnesses, injuries, disorders, and diseases may cause stomach pain, and knowing the direct cause may lead to more effective treatment.

Not only is the cause important, but the type of abdominal pain can help narrow down what’s happening on the inside. The pattern of pain is another indicator of its cause.

First, the following are the types of stomach pain you may experience and their telltale signs:

  • General pain is felt in most of your stomach
  • Local pain is felt in a specific area on your stomach

Where general pain may only be a sign of indigestion or gas, certain localized pain can be serious and point toward issues with your internal organs. For example:

  • Sharp, upper-right abdominal pain may indicate gallstones, which are tiny, hardened pieces of excess cholesterol in your gallbladder.
  • Sharp, lower-right abdominal pain and around the belly button may indicate appendicitis.

The pattern of your pain also matters when pinpointing the cause of stomach aches. Does the pain happen along with other symptoms? Does it come and go frequently? Does it get progressively worse over time? Acute, chronic, and progressive pain, respectively, all point to different causes.

For example, acute pain may indicate:

Chronic pain may point toward:

Progressive pain is the most severe of the three and may indicate:

Additionally, pain caused by bloating or stomach cramps is common and may share a few causes. Bloating may indicate excess gas in your digestive tract, leading to uncomfortable pain throughout your lower stomach. Cramping may also occur with gas, but this could stem from constipation, IBS, viral gastroenteritis, or food poisoning.

Stomach pain treatments

These potential causes may sound worrisome but remember that stomach pain is normal and can subside with simple home treatments and remedies. Others, however, may require prescription medication or surgery.

Over-the-counter medications for stomach pain relief

There are a few over-the-counter medications that can help relieve your stomach pain. If your stomach hurts but not bad enough to see a healthcare provider, consider the following OTC medications:

If the above treats a specific type of pain and yours is more general, any acetaminophen (Tylenol, Liquiprin) may help. However, NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can irritate your stomach, so do not take them to treat pain.

Prescription medications

A few medications are available OTC and by prescription from a healthcare provider. Typically, the OTC variants will treat basic symptoms, while the prescription variant will treat a disease that requires a diagnosis.

For example, Prilosec OTC treats heartburn symptoms, whereas prescription Prilosec treats damage from GERD. Both still contain omeprazole but treat different issues.

OTC dosages may also differ from prescription dosages. Depending on the patient, a higher prescribed dose may be more effective. Keep this in mind if a healthcare provider prescribes a medication that sounds like one you’ve seen on pharmacy shelves before.

There are a few different types in addition to the medications a healthcare provider may prescribe if your stomach pain worsens or persists.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) help treat heartburn, stomach ulcers, or excess stomach acid. Many of these can be purchased OTC but also have prescription counterparts. These include:

Histamine2 (H2) blockers can also treat GERD and stomach acid-related issues. Unlike PPIs, which last up to 24 hours, H2 blockers activate quicker and are effective for only 12 hours. These include:

Steroids are prescribed to help reduce inflammation in the stomach and pain caused by chronic disorders, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These may include:

Antibiotics are prescribed in the case of a bacterial infection. Bacterial gastroenteritis may come from E. coli, salmonella, or H. pylori. Even though antibiotic treatment may vary based on the bacteria, common antibiotics include:


If stomach pain persists and becomes unbearable, seek immediate medical attention. Certain instances of abdominal pain may be a sign of an issue requiring urgent surgical intervention.

Appendicitis is a common condition causing inflammation of the appendix. In addition to stomach pain, it will cause loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Even worse, untreated appendicitis can cause the appendix to rupture, leading to an abscess or sepsis.

An appendectomy is a common, minimally invasive procedure requiring a short recovery. Contact your healthcare provider if you begin experiencing sharp pain in your lower right abdomen.

Gallstones may also cause concern and pose a need for surgery. If big enough, gallstones can cause a gallbladder attack. To prevent this, a healthcare provider may order a laparoscopic cholecystectomy to remove the gallbladder entirely. Even though losing an organ may sound serious, the body can function without the gallbladder, save a few diet changes.

Hernias, when portions of an organ break through weak muscle tissue, are also very painful, commonly occur in the abdomen, and may require surgery to treat. Laparoscopic hernia surgery, like an appendectomy, is minimally invasive and repairs the damaged muscle using a piece of mesh.

Other stomach pain-related surgeries may stem from chronic disorders. Many suffering from Crohn’s disease undergo laparoscopic ileocecal resection, which removes a portion of the small bowel.

Abscess removal is another surgery that may occur in the stomach. Although abscesses are serious, most surgeries take no more than an hour, and recovery is short.

8 home remedies for stomach pain relief

For the daily stomach ache, a few natural remedies and lifestyle changes can alleviate pain. However, some choices may hurt rather than help. The following are 8 home remedies that can help soothe the stomach and improve daily comfort.

1. Drinking water

Water is essential for the body. It helps absorb nutrients, acts as an appetite suppressant, and can help the body recover from digestive problems. Dehydration can cause a range of stomach problems, from constipation to acid reflux, so drinking plenty of water is very important.

The body loses water over a day, not only through sweat but also through breathing and digestion. Replenishing the body is a step in the right direction to getting rid of certain abdominal pain.

Be mindful, though: Drinking too much water or too fast can hurt your stomach rather than help.

2. Ginger

Ginger is a popular home remedy used for an upset stomach. However, while many swear by drinking ginger ale to help soothe stomach pain, most ginger ales and sodas may not contain actual ginger.

Buying and peeling your own fresh ginger root is a more effective way to use ginger for stomach aches. Either steeping it in hot water or tea may help the anti-inflammatory elements of ginger soothe your upset stomach. If ginger straight from the root sounds unappealing, candied ginger chews may have the same effect.

There are a few natural ginger ales sold in multiple stores. Look at the ingredients if you prefer soft drinks to the alternatives above.

3. Heat

Many factors may cause stomach pain, but cramping is one of the most common. Applying heat to the stomach can help relieve pain, relaxing the muscles and taking the pain away. Plug-in heating pads are available at stores and pharmacies, but microwavable alternatives (rice packs or stuffed animals) also work.

Only use heat for a short time and with a layer of fabric or clothing between you and the heat. Rest after 20 minutes of heat and reapply if needed.

4. Tea

Similar to using ginger in hot water, certain teas possess herbs or ingredients historically used as remedies for an upset stomach.

Peppermint tea’s menthol is known for its antispasmodic effects, which can help soothe the gastrointestinal tract. Likewise, chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties. Most people drink it before bed to relax the muscles, but it may also help relax tensed stomach muscles.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Tread carefully with apple cider vinegar. On one hand, it has been found to have properties that can destroy harmful bacteria, namely E. coli. On the other, it may also destroy healthy bacteria your body needs for digestion.

Likewise, although some use it as a remedy for diarrhea, apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. It can damage your esophagus without dilution, putting you at risk for acid reflux.

If you try this remedy, mix only one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water. You can add a little honey if the mixture tastes too acidic.

6. Make a few dietary changes

Many foods may harm your stomach. Pinpointing the foods that don’t agree with you is crucial when relieving abdominal pain. Although everyone is different, a few main foods may lead to indigestion. Acidity, spicy, or fatty foods are known for their ability to cause potential stomach pain and discomfort. Avoiding greasy fast food is also advised.

If you experience stomach issues after eating these foods, consider limiting their consumption. See a healthcare provider if you believe it may indicate food intolerance.

Some healthcare providers recommend the BRAT diet, standing for bananas, rice, apples, and toast. This can be especially helpful for those with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Additionally, limiting how much alcohol you consume with your meals may help improve your pain levels, especially if you frequently experience bloating.

7. Fiber

In addition to eliminating certain foods, adding fiber to a diet can help improve pain from constipation. Foods like avocados, apples, raspberries, brussels sprouts, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and nuts are all fiber-rich foods. Fiber supplements, such as Metamucil, can be purchased OTC and help ease constipation.

However, do not over-consume fibrous foods. Too much fiber can cause bloating and excess gas.

8. Exercise

Great for overall health and wellness, exercise can help relieve stress and stomach pain–especially for those with chronic issues such as IBS. Research shows that exercise can help ease bloating and improve bowel function if done consistently. Getting into a daily routine may be worth exploring as a fix for digestive problems.

When to seek medical care

Mild stomach aches are not rare, but if they last longer and are worse than usual, contact a healthcare provider. Additionally, multiple symptoms should be considered severe and may indicate a medical emergency. These include:

  • Inability to have a bowel movement for days, accompanied by vomiting
  • Nausea and fever, accompanied by vomiting
  • Pain during urination
  • Blood in your urine
  • Blood in your stool

If your stomach pain started after an abdominal injury, contact a healthcare provider. There could be an internal injury in need of treatment.

Finally, if OTC medicines for acid reflux or gas pain do not work after two weeks of daily use, see a healthcare provider. A higher prescription dose or additional treatment may be necessary.

Stomach pain relief; causes, treatments, and home remedies (2024)


What can I do to relieve stomach pain immediately? ›

Be guided by your doctor, but there are some things you can do to help ease the pain, including:
  1. Place a hot water bottle or heated wheat bag on your abdomen.
  2. Soak in a warm bath. ...
  3. Drink plenty of clear fluids such as water.
  4. Reduce your intake of coffee, tea and alcohol as these can make the pain worse.

What is the best natural remedy for stomach pain? ›

How to Cure an Upset Stomach Naturally
  1. Ginger. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe an upset stomach. ...
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  3. Carbonated Drinks. ...
  4. Peppermint or Chamomile Tea. ...
  5. BRAT Diet. ...
  6. Baking Soda. ...
  7. Use a Heating Pad. ...
  8. Drink More Water.
Nov 25, 2022

What can I drink to stop stomach pain? ›

  • Sports drinks.
  • Clear, non-caffeinated sodas such as 7-Up, Sprite or ginger ale.
  • Diluted juices such as apple, grape, cherry or cranberry (avoid citrus juices)
  • Clear soup broth or bouillon.
  • Popsicles.
  • Decaffeinated tea.

How I cured my stomach pain? ›

Twelve home remedies
  1. Drinking water. The body needs water to efficiently digest and absorb nutrients from foods and beverages. ...
  2. Avoiding lying down. Avoiding lying down may prevent indigestion from becoming heartburn. ...
  3. Ginger. ...
  4. BRAT diet. ...
  5. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol. ...
  6. Avoiding difficult-to-digest foods. ...
  7. Baking soda. ...
  8. Figs.

How to lay down to relieve stomach pain? ›

Conclusion. Sleep professionals agree that sleeping on your back and left side is best for digestion and pain management. While knowing what side to lay on when your stomach hurts can help you avoid further discomfort, it is ultimately your body that will make the decision of what feels right.

How to relieve gastritis pain fast at home? ›

Here are some options to help relieve your gastritis pain as quickly as possible:
  1. Take over-the-counter antacids.
  2. Take medication that lowers stomach acid.
  3. Avoid alcohol consumption.
  4. Eat ginger or foods with ginger in them.
  5. Garlic has also been shown to relieve gastritis.
  6. Drink light beverages like chamomile tea.
Jun 10, 2024

What can I drink for stomach pain DIY? ›

People have used ginger root to soothe troubled stomachs for the past 2,000 years. Various preclinical and clinical studies also support ginger's helpful properties. Try ginger tea with lemon for a relaxing, comforting drink.

Why is my stomach hurting? ›

The most common causes of abdominal pain or upset stomach can be classified into three general categories: digestive problems, inflammation and female reproduction. Digestive problems: If you experience abdominal pain after you eat, you may have indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies or food poisoning.

How do I know if my stomach pain is gas? ›

Hazel Marie Galon Veloso, M.D. If you've ever experienced waves of sharp pain in your belly along with the feeling that your waistline is inflating like a balloon, you might be experiencing bloating and cramps due to intestinal gas. Everyone gets gas on occasion.

What food makes your stomach feel better? ›

Foods and drinks like bananas, white rice, toast, crackers, and broth are gentle on your digestive system and can help you recover from an upset stomach. It's best to avoid foods and drinks that are difficult to digest and may worsen GI symptoms.

Can salt and water stop stomach pain? ›

Staying hydrated can help ease stomach pain, especially when indigestion or diarrhea is the cause. Dr. Ravella recommends drinking water or an oral rehydration solution made of water, sugar, and salt, which is even more potent.

How to get rid of a gas stomach ache in 5 minutes? ›

Here are some quick ways to expel trapped gas, either by burping or passing gas.
  1. Move around. Walk around or exercise. ...
  2. Get a massage. Try gently massaging the painful spot, which can stimulate gas to move downward and out of the body. ...
  3. Do yoga poses. ...
  4. Drink more liquids. ...
  5. Try herbs. ...
  6. Try baking soda. ...
  7. Drink apple cider vinegar.

Why is my stomach hurting so bad? ›

Less serious causes of abdominal pain include constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, and a stomach virus. Other, more serious, causes include appendicitis, an abdominal aortic aneurysm, a bowel blockage, cancer, and gastroesophageal reflux.

What is the best medicine for stomach pain? ›

The best medicine for stomach pain includes:
  • Aluminum hydroxide. ...
  • Milk of magnesia. ...
  • Simethicone. ...
  • Omeprazole. ...
  • Cimetidine. ...
  • Domperidone. ...
  • Sucralfate. ...
  • Clarithromycin.
4 days ago

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