Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (2024)

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (1)

When Doug Miller saw his district would grow by 43 students this year, he was thrilled.

But such unabashed optimism wouldn't have been the case just one year ago;it would have been tempered by worries about whether the Sheridan Schools superintendent could afford to hire enough teachers to greet them at the classroom doors.

Would he have to pull some funds from other sources and programs? Or would he have to crowd some students into other classrooms?

This year, however, is not last year. This year, Miller's school system has solar panels.

Or as he views it: This year he has flexibility, freedom and opportunities.

For schools and towns and churches, solar becomesa way to reduce and stabilize the utility and electricity line item in their budgets, which allows those funds to go toward other expenses— most often services.

"Having solar allows us to move with greater freedom and assurances to cover the costs of new people when we need them," said Miller, who created and hired for three new positions this year: two elementary school teachers and a special education teacher at the secondary level. The superintendent acknowledged that with new students the district receives additional per-pupil funding from the state, but it doesn't cover everything.

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (2)

"Solar frees up funds when we have such tight budgets for those educational activities and expenditures —whether people or programs —that are important things you can have in school to help and serve kids," he added. "And our job is to serve kids."

As schools, municipalities and community organizations such as churches are increasingly asked to do more with less, they say solar energy provides an easy and straightforward way to do that.

But many worry that a new state law that goes into effect Monday could drastically curtail future opportunities for new non-residential customers to take advantage of the savings and stability of going solar. At best, the new law— Senate Bill 309— reduces the financial incentive that comes with installing solarpanels. At worst, it could make that current incentive unavailable to new non-residential customers within just a couple years, throwing into question their ability to invest in the technology.

"Everybody would support cost-saving measures on schools and city governments," said Kerwin Olson, the executive director of the consumer advocacy group Citizens Action Coalition. "No question one of the most powerful ways to do that is the self-generation of solar power. "

"Solar isa creative solution to save enormous amounts of money and redirect that income to public services," he added."To restrict that doesn't make any sense at all."

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (3)

'Hard on the budget'

SB 309, championed by the state's powerful utility industry, phases out net metering. In its simplest form, net metering requires utilities to credit solar customers for excess energy they produce that flows back to the grid — thus helping to offset electricity they consume from the utility at other times.

That set-up was intended to provide an important incentivefor Hoosiers to install expensive solar panels and produce their own energy that is better for the environment. For schools and towns and churches, it also was a way to reduce and stabilize the utility and electricity line item in their budgets,which for many is often the second biggest expense behind the cost of employees.

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Then SB 309 was pitched as a way to level the playing field between solar customers and thestate's investor-owned utilities, who maintain net metering is an unnecessary subsidy paid for by otherratepayers.

The bill, which was signed into law by Gov. Eric Holcomb in May and implemented July 1, set a deadline: Install solar panels by Dec. 31 to be locked in to the current incentivefor 30 years. Meaning for every bit of energy a customer produces but doesn't use and sends back to the grid, the utilitywould credit them at the same price a customer buys electricity.

But for those who miss that deadline, the incentive is reduced.Put simply, anyone who installs panels byDec. 31receives the incentive for 30 years; an installation after thatwould receive the incentive for just 15 years.

Customers who installbetween 2018 through 2022 will receive that same retail rate only until 2032. All installations that occur after 2022will receive the wholesale rate — a lower amount that utilities buy electricity for from the market — plus an additional 25 percent.

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (4)

For schools and towns, that 15-year difference in the grandfathering period could translate into something much bigger.

"The question on everyone's minds is how big of a difference is there really between 15- and 30-year net metering?" asked Geoff Greenfield, president and founder of solar installer Third Sun Solar. "And we don't quite know the answer yet, because we are moving from a guarantee and a known to something that is more vague."

That ambiguity is precisely part of the problem.

Non-residential customers such as schools and churches are looking at larger systems that are more expensive and can often take around 20 years to pay off, according to Greenfield, who has worked with many groups in this category.

"They have a fiduciary responsibility to manage their budget for taxpayers and stakeholders, so the shorter grandfathering period makes it much harder for them to make a fully informed decision," Greenfield told IndyStar. "It further complicates something that was already complicated."

Sheridan Schools is financing its 6,200-panel project with a 20-year loan, Miller said. The district was the first in the state to become 100 percent solar, meaning it creates enough energy to power all of its buildings, when its system became operational nearly a year and a half ago.

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (5)

The net metering income from its panels helps cover thefixed monthly loan payments, which often are less than the fluctuating— and hard to budget for—electricity bills the district was paying before.

"Energy costs are something that fluctuates and I could see rate increases each year, which is hard on a budget," the superintendent said. "But now over the course of the next 20 years, the cost to turn the lights on in the building will remain flat, and that gives me an advantage."

Miller was not at the helm when the decision to install the panels was made, but he said he is confident that having net metering was factored in to the financing they received.

Cindy Whitaker at St. Peter's United Church of Christ in Carmel echoed that thought,saying it would have been a harder sell for the congregation to support and fund its solar project without the longer net-metering.

Luckily, her church was able to move up the second part of its project when the law was put in place. Nearly 11,000 pounds of solar equipment were installed on the church roof, maxing out its space, just 10 days before the deadline.

"It's not just the economic thing to do, but it's the moral thing to do for our environment," said Whitaker, who has panels on her own home. "The reason normal electricity is cheap is because we are not paying the full cost of the energy; we are not paying for the pollution it creates."

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (6)

'Put on the brakes'

Many, however, are not in a position to expedite their projects as St. Peter's did.

"If a school corporation or a city government wasn't already going down that path when the bill took effect," Laura Arnold said, "then they would have a very difficult, if not impossible, time getting it done in time."

Analyzing the numbers, holding public forums for comment, securing financing and going before a board or council for discussion and approval can make for a multiple-month process, according to Arnold,president of the Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance, Inc.

Miller said his district's process from first board meeting presentation to completed installation was 10 months. And he considers that fast.

A Hamilton County project has not been quite so swift: years in the making, in fact.

The solar project was first brought before the County Council in 2013, according to countybuildings and grounds director Steve Wood, but the cost of the system was too expensive at the time. But with the price of panels going down and costs to the growing county going up — not to mention the introduction of SB 309 — the project was revisited and ultimately approved in 2017.

"We wanted to get out ahead of this as much as possible," Wood said, even though it is unlikely the county will have all 8,777 panels online before the end of the year. The panels are being installed across the county's correctional facilities.

"It's not just about today and a reduction right now," he added, "but it's about the future because costs are only going up."

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (7)

Other groups that weren't farther along have had to press pause altogether, said Greenfield of Third Sun.

"We've seen people put the brakes on and say, 'We need to better understand the impact on the financial return of going solar,'" the installer said, "and I think the brakes are still on and they are waiting and watching."

Gary Conner of North Lawrence Schools finds himself in that limbo.

The superintendent of the southern central school system said it began discussing solar right when SB 309 was moving through the statehouse. He sees its potential benefits — especially for a smaller and more rural district absent a growing tax base — but said the district needs to better study if it could be feasible.

"The modification of the statute and time parameters is a critical factor in looking at what we may want, consider or evendo because it impacts the return on investment and the financing we might be able to get," said Conner, who has visited the Sheridan Schools' solar array.

"Seeing what they had in place," he added, "it made us think about some of the possibilities that could be."

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (8)

'Domino effect'

But if school districts, churches and other public entities want to wait and see the longer-term effects of net metering before going forward, they could end up being left with not just a reduced time period for the benefit, but perhaps a reduced rate as well.

The law provides for the reduced incentive for systems installed after 2017 and before 2022, but it also establishes a limit on the amount of energy produced by non-residential customers that is eligible for the incentive. Once that cap is reached,utility companies no longer have to provide current net metering rates to new non-residential solar customers.

"The problems that the schools and cities and towns will face," Olson said, "is that there won't be any available capacity."

And how soon might that happen? Some utilities could reach that cap as early as 2018 or 2019, according to conversations Olson has had with the energy companies.

That means any school, municipality or church that installs after the cap would be denied the retail net metering rate, potentially several years before the 2022 deadline.Instead, those new customers would receive the wholesale rate plus 25 percent.

The state's utilities — Duke Energy, Indianapolis Power and Light, Indiana Michigan Power, Northern Indiana Public Service Company and Vectren Energy — told IndyStar they could not predict when they might reach those caps. Nonetheless, their spokespersons did say they have numerous projects coming online as the year draws to a close, including some large ones that will push them closer to that limit.

Residential customers face a cap of their own.Yet their systems are much smaller — at roughly five kilowatts, it would take dozensto equal the energy production of an average school or municipal solar array— andtherefore not at all close to approaching the cutoff point in the near future.

For those organizations that have managed to already install solar, the benefits they see are well worth it.

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (9)

For churches such as St. Peter's UCC, the progressive perspective not only helps attract more people to their pews but the panels also can enable them to expand their mission work in the future.

For counties such as Hamilton, the savings from solar make it possible to continue providing the services residents expect, as well as add those that come with rapid population growth.

"With the recession we had to cut a lot of budgets and lay folks off, and I can't help but think how we could have avoided that if we had some of these savings then," said Wood, the buildings director. "Now we are having to build out our corrections complex, so how do we absorb those costs without the ability to control our own operations?"

And for schools such as the Delphi district, the trending technology provides a learning opportunity that can be folded into their curriculum. Not to mention relief from a budget alreadystretched beyond its limits.

Despite seeing declining enrollments, superintendent Greg Biles saw his electricity bill grow by more than $50,000 in the last year. In other words, the Delphi schools' solar system could not have come at a better time, Biles said — and he hates to think where they would be without it.

"Facing a reduced budget, reduced programs," the rural school leader said, "and as a result of the reductions, we would be losing even more students to the neighboring schools that may be able to provide programs that we cannot offer."

'Opening the door"

Biles said his solution would be to exclude school corporations from SB 309. Though not quite to that extreme, Rep. Dave Ober of Albion said that he is drafting some legislation to help.

The Republican — who chairs the House utilities and energy committee and was a proponent of SB 309 — plans to introducea bill that would grandfather schools and municipalities for 20 years. The intention, he said, is to give them more time to make these decisions that take longer than their "nimble" private counterparts and more time to see the returns on their investment.

"Hopefully this legislation will open the door for them to build things that will help alleviate some pressures on budgets and free up money to go toward the educational mission of our school districts," Ober told IndyStar. "And I hope it will be useful for some of the school corporations and municipalities who were thinking about doing it but weren't able to get things in place."

The bill's author, Sen. Brandt Hershman, said he believes the phasing out period over the next five years creates a "substantial window of time" to allowhomeowners as well as schools and others to install solar panels.

"This is more than sufficient time to allow for payback of installation costs of panels," the Buck Creek Republican said, "based on independent research."(Hershman announced his retirement from the general assembly this month.)

But several other state legislators are in favor of putting more power and more options back into the hands of these groups.

Rep. Ron Bacon, R-Chandler, said it is critical to incentivize schools and towns to be more self-sufficient. And Rep. Carey Hamilton, D-Indianapolis,is glad schools are getting heard, even if she feels it's a bit late.

Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (11)

Though solar proponents and advocates would welcome this change, they also emphasize that solar still shines a light on some worthy opportunities.They just might look a little different, according to solar installer Johnson-Melloh, such as installing a smaller system that wouldn't produce as much excess but costs less.

That's precisely what Hamilton County did. Their government was considering building an additional solar array field before SB 309 went into effect, Wood said.

Miller of Sheridan Schools said he still is a bit puzzled by the law, but doesn't think that should stop anyone.

"Sure, without net metering in place it's not as positive and takes some of the advantage away from solar, but I still think it's a positive overall for a school or municipality or any entity to have a system in place," the superintendent said. "It's business as usual in our buildings and the lights are on for our students."

Still, Miller said he sometimes catches himself thinking they shine just a bit brighter.

Call IndyStar reporter Sarah Bowman at (317) 444-6129. Follow her onTwitterandFacebook: @IndyStarSarah. IndyStar's environmental reporting project is made possible through the generous support of the nonprofit Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.

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Schools, cities and churches could save money with solar — but Indiana law stands in the way (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.