Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (2024)

Harry Potter

2 years ago

by QuizPin's Editorial Team

4 min read

Which Hogwarts House Are You In? & Harry Potter House Quiz

Who is there in the world who doesn’t know about the Harry Potter series, its characters, and its story? Both children, as well as adults, love Harry Potter. It is like a magic spell that has been cast; anybody who begins the book is bewitched and soon becomes a diehard fan of the series (as Quizpin editors do). That's why you should take this well-prepared, recently updated, and highly accurate Hogwarts House Quiz to discover what Harry Potter house are you perfect for.

Sneak Peak of Harry Potter Before The Quiz

J.K. Rowlingwrote Harry Potter after having an idea on a delayed train to London. It is a story about a wizard boy who became an orphan because a powerful, dark wizard killed his parents. Lord Voldemort tried to kill a baby Harry Potter, but the killing curse rebounded on Lord Voldemort (and he lost all his powers) because his mother's sacrifice protected Harry. Ever since then, Harry Potter came to be known as the Boy Who Lived or The Chosen One. But Voldemort comes back to power and is determined to kill Harry Potter because of a prophecy that says that he would be the reason for Lord Voldemort's undoing.

Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (1)

Hogwarts House

Meanwhile, Harry goes to the greatest wizarding school, Hogwarts, and makes his two best friends Ron and Hermione, after getting selected to Gryffindor House by Official Harry Potter House Selection viaSorting Hat. Their friendship is so strong that they remain with Harry and help him out during every dangerous situation he finds himself in. They risk their own lives for Harry while on the mission to kill Lord Voldemort.

What Harry Potter House Am I In Quiz

We all wish that the Sorting Hat could be placed on our heads as we sit on that chair. But, it’s quite impossible, however, there can be a way! Quizpin's Harry Potter House Quiz is a free and fun sorting test that answers what Harry Potter house are you. Just answer a few questions, and you will get a house that matches your skills, style, and personality. If you are a true Potterhead, we will get you sorted into your favorite Hogwarts House! The sorting hat tells you which house is most likely your nature. If you take the quiz, you will also get the characteristics of your Harry Potter personality along with your Hogwarts house. You can also choose your wand with ourHarry Potter Wands quizafter getting sorted.


Before finding the answer to "What Harry Potter House Am I?", we have to explain more about the four great houses of Harry Potter & Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (2)

Harry Potter Houses


The students in this house are very adventurous and daring. In the wizarding world, they resemble the lions. They are unafraid of difficulty and meet obstacles head-on with a fearless attitude that truly sets them apart. Not only are Gryffindors classmates, but they're also a close-knit family that sticks together through good times and bad. They enjoy the thrill of learning new things and putting up a fight for what's right, even if it gets them into some trouble.

Godric Gryffindorfound Gryffindor's house. The characteristics of this house are courage, daring, chivalry, and determination. Children possessing these qualities are sorted into this house. The colors of the Gryffindor house are red and gold. The house ghost is Nearly Headless Nick. The head of Gryffindor House is Professor Minerva McGonagall. The symbol of the house is a lion, and its element is fire. Some famous Gryffindor are; Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore.

Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (3)



The distinctive characteristics of Hufflepuff students are their undying dedication to hard work, warmth, and loyalty. As represented by the unwavering badger, these witches and wizards stand for the qualities of tolerance, equity, and a welcoming attitude toward all. Dedicated to their friends through thick and thin, Hufflepuffs are more than just hardworking individuals. Hufflepuffs foster a culture of acceptance and understanding by acting with humility toward their achievements and having a sincere belief in fair play.

Helga Hufflepufffound Hufflepuff's house. The characteristics of the Hufflepuff House are kindness, hard work, patience, justice, and modesty. The Hufflepuff house has the colors of yellow and black. Their house ghost is Fat Friar. The head of Hufflepuff House is Professor Pomona Sprout. The symbol of the house is a badger, and its element is Earth. Some famous Hufflepuffs are Newt Scamander and Teddy Lupin. Harry Potter sorting hat quiz will help you to find out if you are a true Hufflepuff!

Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (4)



The soaring eagle serves as a metaphor for Ravenclaw students, who have an intense love of learning and a never-ending curiosity that drives their pursuit of knowledge. They are inherently creative, and their inventive minds love to venture into intellectually unexplored territory. Their compass, wisdom, leads them through the maze-like world's complexity and beyond. Being unique is not only accepted but also valued among Ravenclaws, as they each contribute a distinct viewpoint to the group's intellectual fabric.

Rowena Ravenclawfound Ravenclaw's house. The attributes of this house are learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect. The colors of this house are blue and bronze. Their house ghost is the Grey Lady. The head of Ravenclaw House is Professor Flitwick. The symbol of the house is an Eagle, and the element is air. Some famous Ravenclaw are Luna Lovegood and Professor Trelawney according to Pottermore.

Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (5)



Slytherins, represented by the snake, are characterized by a unique ambition that propels them to achieve success no matter what. They are naturally resourceful, which allows them to move deftly and nimbly through the complex dance of power. Slytherins are born leaders who effortlessly inspire others to join them by using their charm and strategic thinking skills.

Salazar Slytherinfound Slytherin's house. Its attributes are cunning, resourcefulness, pride, ambition, and leadership. The colors of the Slytherin house are green and silver. Their house ghost is the Bloody Baron. This sorting hat quiz will decide if you are fit in Slytherin. The head of the Slytherin house is Severus Snape. The symbol of the house is a snake, and the element is water. Some famous Slytherin are; Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (6)


Are There Other Wizarding Schools Too?

As you know, the Harry Potter world has far more Wizarding Schools other than Hogwarts in different locations. If you are a true fan then you’d remember the Triwizard Tournament! In that tournament, we could see the students of Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic compete. If you are interested, we have quizzes for you to see which Wizard World school is perfect for you.

Which Harry Potter House Am I In?

Harry Potter quizzesare always fun! But this one is a bit different as it is 100% accurate to find out Which Harry Potter house are you. according to the feedback of the fans.

You seem to be quite excited to sort out which Hogwarts House you belong to by taking this accurate HP Quiz! Then what are you waiting for? Test your personality with the questions of the magical sorting hat and find the house that matches you with this ancient hat. (Even if you did not get your Hogwarts letter at the age of eleven, we guarantee you a Harry Potter house result that you can rely on). Relax, and sit straight while answering the quiz; it’s important for your further life.

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Hogwarts House Quiz - What Harry Potter House Are You? (2024)
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